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"I must say you are 'butting in. You you oh, you don't lack nerve, Mr. Farwell!" "Don't worry about my nerve," he retorted grimly. "You'll have other troubles. For Heaven's sake have some sense. Will you do as I tell you, or won't you?" He leaned forward, tapping the arm of her chair with tense fingers. "No," she answered positively, "I won't." Young McCrae came around the corner of the house.

He'll get what's coming to him all right." "He'll get it now, Steve, without any help of yours. We don't aim to allow any butting in." "Don't you?" There was a flash of steel as the ranger dived forward. Next instant he and the prisoner stood with their backs to the cottonwood, a revolver having somehow leaped from its scabbard to his hand.

"At present intellect in Christminster is pushing one way, and religion the other; and so they stand stock-still, like two rams butting each other." "What would Mr. Phillotson " "It is a place full of fetishists and ghost-seers!" He noticed that whenever he tried to speak of the schoolmaster she turned the conversation to some generalizations about the offending university.

At first, and excusably, I had supposed the brute's behaviour to express aversion; until, observing that he waited for the conclusion of a piece before butting at Mr. Badcock's stomach, I discovered this to be his rough-and-ready method of demanding an encore. "The commandant proved to be a virtuoso.

But there were now so many fishermen rushing about here and there that they paid no attention to the excited theatrical man, who issued orders right and left. "What shall we do?" demanded C. C., who had gotten off to one side with the girl he was supposed to have "rescued" from the burning cabin. "I don't know!" cried Mr. Ringold. "The whole play is spoiled by those fellows butting in.

And, flaring into sudden rage at this untimely interruption just in the very moment of success, he jerked his pistol from its holster, and stood up in the boat. "I'll have no butting in here!" he cried in a loud, harsh voice. "Who the devil is Kamrou, I'd like to know? Go on, on, to shore!" "My son "

Connors' hands. The rest would be largely a matter of continuity and after that there was nothing to worry about except picking out the cast and the locations and building the sets and starting to shoot and mayhap detailing a head office boy to stall off the author in case that poor boob came butting in kicking about changes in his story or squawking about overdue royalty statements or something.

Many years have rolled by, and I have never heard the last of that butting adventure. The papers wrote it up, and in less than ten days every planter on the coast had heard of it. Towards night the old nigger came crawling up stairs and said: "Massa, you have done for this poor nigger, for I must go to the hospital and get cured up."

And again, as the first enemy hauled off from its victim, Admiral pant came up once more in the Half-moon, steered straight at the floundering galley, and sent her with one crash to the bottom. It was not very scientific practice perhaps. It was but simple butting, plain sailing, good steering, and the firing of cannon at short pistol-shot.

The art of boxing, which included wrestling, had been practised by the Chinese several centuries before butting was introduced.