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He yelled, and he hollered, and he hooted, and then, all of a sudden, he heard some one yelling back at him, and he saw Johnnie and Billie Bushytail, the two squirrel boys, bounding along on the low branches of the trees. "Hello, fellows!" cried Buddy. "Glad to see you! Let's have some fun." "What'll we do?" asked Billie. "I know," suggested Johnnie. "Let's make a see-saw.

I'm never going to bother with fairies again." It was about three days after this that Jimmie and Lulu were walking in the deep, green woods, under the trees, picking tender leaves and roots to eat. They were hoping they might meet Johnnie and Billie Bushytail, the squirrels whom they had not seen for some time. Alice stayed home to curl her feathers.

They had their catching gloves, and a ball and a bat, and when the squirrel boys saw Buddy they called out: "Come on, let's have a game of baseball." "All right," agreed Buddy. "But who else will play?" "Oh! we'll get Sammie Littletail, and Bully and Bawly, the frogs, and Jackie and Peetie Bow Wow, and Jimmie Wibblewobble, and we'll have a fine game," said Billie Bushytail.

It is certainly very fine,” agreed Bawly, and he looked up in the treetops, where Johnnie and Billie Bushytail, the squirrels, were frisking about, and then down on the ground, where Sammie and Susie Littletail, the rabbits, were sitting beside an old stump, in which there were no bad owls to scare them.

"Perhaps I can find my fortune in there, and get rid of the rheumatism," thought Uncle Wiggily, so he hopped forward. And just as he did so he heard a voice calling to him: "Don't go in! Don't go in there, Uncle Wiggily!" The rabbit looked up, and saw Johnnie Bushytail, the squirrel boy, waving his paws at him.

Now this was just what Johnnie Bushytail wanted, so he threw a whole double handful of acorns at the door, and when the owl heard them pattering against the wood he rushed out. "Now, I've got you!" he cried, but he hadn't, for Johnnie was up a tree. And, for the moment, the owl forgot about Uncle Wiggily, and there the door was wide open. "Run out, Uncle Wiggily!

Buddy Pigg slipped out of a back window, and ran home with his tail behind him. Oh, excuse me, guinea pigs don't have a tail, do they? Anyhow he ran home, and so did Sammie and Susie Littletail, and Johnnie and Billie Bushytail, and the Wibblewobble children, and Peetie and Jackie Bow Wow too.

Buddy Pigg was captain of one side, and for players he had Peetie Bow Wow, Billie Bushytail, and Bully, while Sammie Littletail was the other captain, and he had Jackie Bow Wow, Johnnie Bushytail and Jimmie Wibblewobble. "Now we're all ready, let's play," suggested Buddy. "No, wait a moment," begged Bully. "Why?" they all wanted to know.

"I'm going for the doctor," answered Sister Sallie. "Are you sick?" inquired Jimmie. "You don't look so." "No, it's Billie Bushytail," said the little girl squirrel. "He is quite ill, and I am going for Dr. Possum. Billie has a fever and headache, and he snuffles something terrible. His papa and mamma are quite worried about him. Isn't it terrible to be sick?"

Johnnie and Billie Bushytail, the squirrels; Sammie Littletail, the rabbit, and Jimmie Wibblewobble, the duck, were having a game under the trees, not far from the hollow stump bungalow which was the house of Uncle Wiggily Longears, the bunny gentleman. "First shot agates!" cried Johnnie. "No, I'm going to shoot first!" chattered his brother Billie. "Huh!