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Now, if he'd lend them, and you got a hay-wagon from Old Paloma, you wouldn't have any trouble at all." "Oh, but Barry," she gasped, her face radiant, "would he lend them?" "I think he would; he'd have to come too, you know, and drive them. I'll ride up and see, anyway." "Oxen," mused Mrs. Burgoyne, "how perfectly glorious! The children will go wild with joy. And, you see, my Indian boys "

Still, as New England was to be the final object of the campaign, Burgoyne was impatient to set about humbling her in good earnest. Events were working so favorably for him, that he now saw his chance to go at least half way toward his desires.

"We feel that if we COULD get some of the ladies interested ! Then here's the French class once a week; German, Spanish, and the bridge club on Fridays." "Gracious! You use your clubhouse," said Mrs. Burgoyne. "Nearly every day. So come on Tuesday," said the president winningly, "and be our guest.

Percival Miles and wondered who the stranger might be; then he recollected that surely this was the name of a young gentleman who was a devoted admirer of Miss Burgoyne.

"As president of our little club," said she, when they were all seated, "I am authorized to ask you if I may put your name up for membership, Mrs. Burgoyne. We are all members here, and in this quiet place our meetings are a real pleasure, and I hope an education as well." "Oh, really !" Mrs.

Unwilling to risk the events of the next day on the same ground, Burgoyne changed his position in the course of the night and drew his whole army into a strong camp on the river heights, extending his right up the river. This movement extricated him from the danger of being attacked the ensuing morning by an enemy already in possession of part of his works.

In military knowledge and experience, too, he was his superior, and had he retained a command the fate of the expedition would probably have been very different. The army under General Burgoyne consisted of 7173 men, exclusive of artillerymen. Of these about half were Germans.

However," added Miss Burgoyne, out of her complaisance, "the public will wait a long time before they find any one to sing 'The Starry Night' as you sang it, and as I hope you'll be singing it again before long." She was silent for a second or two; she seemed to have something to say, and yet to hesitate about saying it.

Carleton's idea was to use it as a base of operations against New England, while Howe's main body struck at the main body of the rebels and broke them up as much as possible. Germain however, was all for the original plan. So Burgoyne set off for the Hudson, expecting to get into touch with Howe at Albany.

"I have no doubt you will be as pleased to make her acquaintance as she will be to make yours," said he, "and a few civil words never do any harm." Here Miss Burgoyne was called. She went to the little side-table and sipped some of her home-brewed lemonade; then he opened the door for her, and together they went up into the wings.