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White," he went on, and White did not disguise his relief, "but as an old acquaintance of yours." "Say friend," said the fervent Mr. White. "I have always regarded you, Mr. McNorton, as a friend of mine. Let me see, how long have we known one another? I think the first time we met was when Punsonby's was burgled in '93."

Even as she repeated, "I cannot lose him," again, a tremendous rap came on the front door, and Georgie, at a sign from his queen, admitted Mrs Quantock. "Robert and I have been burgled," she said. "Four silver spoons thank God, most of our things are plate eight silver forks and a Georgian tankard. I could have spared all but the last." A faint sign of relief escaped Lucia.

"It was beautiful," cried he. "Hagan was met at the train, taken to a place we know of, and shadowed by us tight as wax. We now know all his associates the swine have not even the excuse of being German. He burgled your flat himself while one of his gang watched outside. Never mind where I was; you would be surprised if I told you; but I saw everything. Will they stand all right?"

The lady and her friend fled from the place. Later in the night the place is burgled by some one who has had his eye on it for some time, and on entering the library he is astounded to find the dead body of the owner.

"I see yer pa coming in at the front gate. Give me a shove. Quick, nar." Mr. Brown entered the drawing-room. "Mulroyd's had his house burgled now," he said. "Every bit of his wife's jewellery gone. They've got some clues, though. It's a gang all right, and one of them is a chap without ears. Grows his hair long to hide it. But it's a clue. The police are hunting for him."

He has been able to discover, by cross-examining some witnesses beggars, I believe, who haunt the house, that Mukhum Dass got to the place ahead of Gungadhura, burgled the cellar, removed something of great value to Gungadhura, and went off with it. On the way home he was murdered." "The murder of Mukhum Dass was known very soon afterward, of course, to the police," said Norwood.

I had broken the pledge and burgled Corbucci's villa in my best manner during his absence in Naples. Not that it gave me the slightest trouble; but no human being could have told that I had been in, when I came out.

She wore her Teacher's Robe. "Georgie," she said, quite forgetting to speak Italian in her greeting, "someone broke into Philip's safe last night, and took a hundred pounds in bank-notes. He had put them there only yesterday in order to pay in cash for that cob. And my Roman pearls." Georgie felt a certain pride of achievement. "I've been burgled, too," he said.

And a freshly 'burgled' house is rather a creepy place for a young girl to return to all alone.... Your parents are away, I believe?" "Con stable ... constable," babbled Flame quite idiotically. "Yes, the regular constable was off Christmasing somewhere it seems, so he put a substitute on his job, a stranger from somewhere. Some substitute that!

Could these fine jewels have been dropped by the thief who had burgled the tomb? These were his thoughts, although Hadassah did not know it. He at once carried them off to the Government camp in the hills. The excavators pronounced them to be ancient stones of great value.