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They tried to conciliate the Kingite chiefs, who would not, for a long time, meet the Governor. They withdrew Governor Browne's manifesto. They offered the natives local self-government. At length the Governor even made up his mind to give back the Waitara land. But a curse seemed to cling to those unlucky acres.

He was hypnotised by Professor William James, and brought into his Browne condition, but could give practically no verifiable account of Browne's behaviour in that missing fortnight.

This is he, with the old ape-face renewed by paint, whom we once saw marching with an "Army of Redemption," haggling in the Passes about Eger, unable to redeem Belleisle; marching and haggling, more lately, with a "Middle-Rhine Army," and the like non-effect; since which, fighting his best in Italy, pushed home last winter, with Browne's bayonets in his back; Belleisle succeeding him in dealing with Browne.

Browne, at length after a careful examination of this moving form. "On what?" asks Roger, curiously. "His fact," repeats Dicky, unmoved. "What's that?" asks Jacky's mamma, somewhat anxiously if a careless, it must be to her credit said, that Julia is a very kindly mother, and is now rather upset by Mr. Browne's mysterious declaration. "You ought to know; you gave it to him," declares he.

He remained in the army and fought in Mexico. William McRee, of Irish descent, was General Browne's chief engineer in laying out the military works of the American army at Niagara. Let it not be forgotten that in this memorable company brave Mrs. Doyle has a place.

"Sir Thomas is to achieve many mighty things when he comes home," said Mary, after a pause. "Do you remember Hawkins Browne's 'Address to Tobacco, in imitation of Pope? Blest leaf! whose aromatic gales dispense To Templars modesty, to Parsons sense. I will parody them Blest Knight! whose dictatorial looks dispense To Children affluence, to Rushworth sense. Will not that do, Mrs. Grant?

Then to the Mitre with Mr. Shepley, and there dined with D. Rawlinson and some friends of his very well. So home, and then to Cheapside about buying a piece of plate to give away to-morrow to Mrs. Browne's child. So to the Star in Cheapside, where I left Mr. Moore telling L5 out for me, who I found in a great strait for my coming back again, and so he went his way at my coming.

It has many interesting things enough, but is made precious by containing Simon Browne's famous Dedication to the Queen of his Answer to Tindal's "Christianity as old as the Creation." Simon Browne was the Man without a Soul. An excellent person, a most worthy dissenting minister, but lying under a strange delusion.

"Down with the Britisher!" cried Johnny, entering into the spirit of the scene, and tugging at Browne's coat-tails; "make him hurrah for the stars and stripes, or else don't give him any of our oysters!" "You're surely not going back to the principles of the dark ages you won't attack the right of private judgement, and persecute for opinion's sake."

"Say," he remarked to me in a confidential undertone, though pitched quite loud enough for Miss Browne's ears, "is it real? Would it have bendable j'ints, now, same as you and me?" Miss Browne whirled upon him. "'Old your tongue, you 'orrid brute!" she shrieked.