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Up they went, and right after them came Brodno, with Blaine and Orris, now in the observer's seat, feeling more comfortable as be laid his hand on the Lewis gun ready to his use. Brodno had another. Both were listening to the sounds which Erwin had noticed when with Miss Aida. Byers passed them with a gentle rustling as of wings. "Boys," he called back, "our defense rests mainly upon you.

After that the pursuit of Byers ceased, for Blaine and Brodno, with their two weapons, aided by Erwin, who manipulated a Lee-Enfield rifle, kept the three scouts busy for a time. A plane is a shaky place from which to aim a rifle, but Orris, having had much practice at the training butts, soon laid out one lone pilot and his scout went trailing guideless out of range and action.

Meantime Blaine, along with Brodno, the Americanized Pole, and one or two others, strolled about, lazily watching the maneuvers above, and telling stories more or less related to their and fighting experiences flying. Presently down came the two fliers, each with heightened color and full of that fresh buoyancy which short, lively flights are apt to create.

Erwin took his, while Finzer, Brodno, and a real American lad from Butte, Montana, were assigned to others of these fast, nimble, scouting planes that are really the wasps of the air, carrying their sting with them, always ready and willing to bite. Meanwhile at each machine two mechanics, under the eye of the airman, went carefully over the mechanism until all were satisfied.

I have not only these women to see after but also papers papers most important to our side in the next offensive. Of course I'll fight, if I have to. But the main thing is to get safely back and " His further words were lost on the wind as the captain raced ahead, bound as straight as possible for their own lines. "We will keep right on his tail, boys," said Brodno.

Behind her stood the substantial form of Brenda, also well wrapped against the night's chill and mist. Confusedly Blaine presented the captain and Brodno, the latter grinning amusedly. In fact, this affair had been more of a lark to the American Pole than to Byers, who was oppressed with a sense of responsibility. "We'll have to divide up, and at once," said the captain.

Erwin asked, this not in a spirit of doubt or incredulity, but only to hear his friend reemphasize it. One likes at times to have welcome truisms reechoed over again. It is human nature I suppose. "Look here, Lex Brodno, you're a Pole " "Don't spring that on me again, even in joke I am an American, it my folks did come over from Warsaw." "Bully! We're all one over here. That's the way to talk!"

Some of these groups were studying maps and photographs which had been made by recent reconnaissance trips and prepared for distribution among those whose task it was to proceed along the various lines thus indicated. One group near the center of the line deserves attention. There was Erwin, Blaine, Bangs, Brodno, all seemingly in fine fettle, gathered over sundry maps, photos, and instructions.

Most of the boys were away, scattered along the now advancing front but by night some of them began to straggle back. Poor Finzer and Brodno would never come back. That both Lafe and his companion well knew. But they had died like true men, fighting for the cause they believed in. Captain Byers was also at the front, now many miles to the east.

Most of those we have met before were there, all except poor Finzer and a few others that had fallen in the various raids that had taken place from time to time. There was Erwin, now a corporal; Lex Brodno, His American Pole, and others . Byers was in charge, with Anson and one or two other British aviators detailed to help the new American airmen get into thorough shape and training.