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It was a terrible wound for Holland, and the Calvinist portion of Flanders lost by it their natural allies, the Huguenots of France. William retreated from Mons to the Rhine, and waited for events. Some of the Gueux was driven by a contrary wind into the port of Brille: and seeing no escape, and pushed by despair, took the city which was preparing to hang them.

At the close of March, De la Marck's fleet sailed from Dover to fall upon a Spanish convoy; a few days later, it appeared in the Meuse before Brille. The town promptly surrendered.

At the head of two companies of infantry, and accompanied by his brother Frederick Henry, he suddenly set out at night from The Hague; arrived at the Brille; and in defiance of the remonstrances of the magistrates, and in violation of the rights of the town, he placed his devoted garrison in that important place.

Next morning my father sent me to France with Quinet. "Et pour la France un chant sacré s'éleve; Qu'il brille pur, le ciel de nos aieux!" "Chamilly! Chamilly! This is the soil of our forefathers!" Quinet and I stood at last on the shores of France. We trod it with veneration, and looked around with joy.

That he pretended these soldiers ought to serve even against the States-General and against Prince Maurice. That he wanted to prevail with the cities to make a new union. That he held conferences with a foreign Ambassador. That he was concerned in the deputation sent to the Brille to oppose Prince Maurice.

"Ho! ho! by our Lady, I am not Philippe Brille, and I shall not gild the great vassals anew. Continue, Olivier." The person whom he designated by this name, took the papers into his hands again, and began to read aloud,

They serve no purpose, as they stand thus useless round the king; they produce upon me the effect of the four Evangelists who surround the face of the big clock of the palace, and which Philippe Brille has just set in order afresh. They are gilt, but they do not indicate the hour; and the hands can get on without them." He remained in thought for a moment, then added, shaking his aged head,

England rang with joy when the news came that Brille was taken. Church bells pealed, and bonfires blazed. Money poured across in streams. Exiled families went back to their homes which were to be their homes once more and the Zealanders and Hollanders, entrenched among their ditches, prepared for an amphibious conflict with the greatest power then upon the earth.

A day or two after he suddenly showed himself off Brille, at the mouth of the Meuse. A boat was sent on shore with a note to the governor, demanding the instant surrender of the town to the admiral of the Prince of Orange. The inhabitants rose in enthusiasm; the garrison was small, and the governor was obliged to comply. De la Mark took possession.

Aussi suis-je heureux qu'il ait eu l'approbation d'un aussi bon juge que vous. 21 septembre. Depuis gue je vous al ecrit, j'ai lu le grand manifeste de M. Gladstone. De celui-la, on ne peut pas dire qu'il brille par la moderation. Il y a des phrases redoutables et effrayantes a l'adresse de la richesse et de la propriete, base de la societe.