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In this case, without doubt, the subject originally suffered a sub-periosteal fracture of the bone and because the animal was a good self nurse, the brachial fascia supported the radius until the periosteum gave way and the leg dangled. In this instance infection took place and suppuration resulted. It was deemed advisable to destroy this animal. Prognosis.

And, in some instances, diagnosis is not established until an autopsy has been performed. Here, too, we fail to find cause for paralysis in some rare instances. Anatomy. The radial nerve is a large branch of the brachial plexus and is chiefly derived from the first thoracic root of the plexus and is here situated posterior to the deep brachial artery.

Surmising that the nerve must have been injured in some way, he made careful inquiries of the patient, who recalled that he had been thrown from his chariot some time before, striking and injuring his back. Acting upon this information, Galen applied stimulating remedies to the source of the nerve itself that is, to the bundle of nerve-trunks known as the brachial plexus, in the shoulder.

Muscular and tendinous contraction, together with the natural tendency for the beveled contacting parts of the broken bone to pass one another in oblique fracture, results in shortening of the leg and, if union results, a large callus usually forms. Where shortening of bones occur, necessarily, permanent lameness follows. Wounds of the Anterior Brachial Region. Etiology and Occurrence.

A similar affection is met with in the shoulder and arm brachial fibrositis especially on waking from sleep. There is acute pain on attempting to abduct the arm, and there may be localised tenderness in the region of the axillary nerve. Treatment.

Excepting in some cases of radial fracture of foals where considerable swelling has taken place, there is no difficulty in readily recognizing this condition. The heavy brachial fascia materially contributes to the support of the radius, and in cases where swelling is marked, crepitation may not be readily detected.

Toward morning he seemed better and stronger, and she left him a few moments to attend to some other duties. When she returned she saw to her horror that hemorrhage had taken place, and that his arm was bleeding rapidly. She sprang to his side, and with trained skill pressed her fingers on the brachial artery, thus stopping further loss of blood instantly.

In consequence of loss of power in the triceps and anterior brachial muscles, the arm is extended and straightened on the shoulder, the scapulohumeral angle is open, and the elbow depressed. The knee is carried in advance, level with, or in front of, a vertical line dropped from the point of the shoulder.

At the opposite end of the lever, in the, upturned palm of the hand, we shall place a weight of 1 lb. to represent the load to be moved. The power which we are to yoke to the lever is a strong muscular engine we have not mentioned before, called the brachialis anticus, or front brachial muscle. It lies in the upper arm, where it is fixed to the bone of that part the humerus.

Quoting Merillat : "When, after four weeks, there is no amelioration of the paralysis, the muscles have atrophied, and the patient has become emaciated from pain and discomfort, the diagnosis of brachial paralysis with fracture of the first rib may then be announced." Prognosis.