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Yes, there could be no doubt, the cap bore the number 88, the same which she had noticed on Benedetto's clothing. Had he escaped? And now these people wished to hunt him down like a wild animal, and he would not be able to hide from them. "We must be going," said one of the peasants; "the convict cannot be far away, and who knows but we shall have luck and find two.

Few scenes in modern romance can match Benedetto's interview with the Pope he pathetic figure who, you feel, is in sad truth a prisoner, not of the Italian Government, but of the crafty, able, remorseless cabal of cardinals who surround him, dog him with eavesdroppers, edit his briefs, check his benign impulses, and effectually prevent the truth from penetrating to his lonely study.

Some boards are laid upon the broken slabs of stone which lead up to Benedetto's door, and the two invalids are half pushed, half carried up, by the surging crowd. There they lie, crosswise upon the Saint's pallet. The crowd fills the cave. All fall upon their knees in prayer. It is indeed a cave. One whole side of it is a wall of yellowish rock, hewn obliquely.

He fought desperately, throwing chairs and tables about, and falling flat on the ground. "Let me alone," he cried, breathlessly. "I am tied already. I cannot escape." Madame Danglars muttered a prayer of gratitude. No, that was not Benedetto's voice. "Yes, we have got you," replied Jacob; "but the other one who took my horse has escaped!

Francis which surround it The Confirmation of the Order by the Pope, the Test by Fire before the Sultan, the Stigmata, the Death of St. Francis, and the Persecution of the Order. These were carved in 1474, and for the life and charm which they possess are perhaps Benedetto's finest work.

The Corsican gave vent to an oath and made a movement as if he intended to throw himself upon the party. "Redhead," said the jailer, letting his heavy stick fall on Benedetto's shoulders, "you are trying to fly away?" Benedetto gritted his teeth.

Benedetto's appeal to the Pope to heal the four wounds from which the Church is languishing is a model of impassioned argument. The four wounds, be it noted, are the "spirit of falsehood," "the spirit of clerical domination," "the spirit of avarice," and "the spirit of immobility."

What did Selva think about it? Ah! no one could explain it, neither Selva nor any one else. "I can explain it!" said Jeanne eagerly, pleased to be able to understand what puzzled all others. "Was not the Pope once Bishop of Brescia?" Guarnacci's smile was half admiring, half ironical, as he answered. Ah! the Signora was well informed concerning Benedetto's past.

When the smoke had cleared away, the boy stood there unharmed, while a man tumbled down at his feet. It was Bartolomeo! Taking advantage of the confusion, he ran away and came just in the nick of time to receive Benedetto's murderous bullet in his breast. A quarter of an hour later Aslitta appeared accompanied by Monte-Cristo and La Luciola.

You say you adore Truth, and you ask a brother if he possess Truth, while you hide the fact that you have already sold him!" During Benedetto's speech, the Minister's friend himself an Excellency, but of lower rank had raised his head from the couch at last. He seemed to be only now beginning to consider the man and what he was saying worthy of attention.