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Nor could manipulation lure their stiff cartilages into drooping as bench-show fashion demands. The average show-collie's ears have a tendency to prick. By weights and plasters, and often by torture, this tendency is overcome. But never when the cartilage is as unyielding as was Lass's.

I took the first train the early one the one that leaves Hartford at 8.29 in the morning. At New Haven I bought a paper, and found it filled with glaring display-lines about a "bench-show" there. I had often heard of bench-shows, but had never felt any interest in them, because I supposed they were lectures that were not well attended. It turned out, now, that it was not that, but a dog-show.

But he has proved himself "the flower of the family," and, like all flowers, he has been "cultivated" and developed, differentiated in species, till a grand bench-show will display all the varieties, from little fluff balls, "small enough to put in your waistcoat-pocket," to the splendid deerhound, valued at ten thousand dollars, with his "silver-gray hair, muscular flanks, and calm, resolute eyes."

If he had dared, he would have tied a weight to the other end of the rope and dropped both weight and dog overboard. Just then, however, he met a group of ragged, barefooted urchins evidently denizens of the water-front. They hailed the gaily dressed Purt and the ragged mongrel, with delight. "What yer doin' wid the dawg?" inquired one. "Takin' him to the bench-show, Clarence?

Through this we came to the big wire corrals in which were kept the dogs. Here I met old Ben. Old Ben was not very old; but he was different from young Ben. He was a pointer of the old-fashioned, stocky-built, enduring type common and serviceable before our bench-show experts began to breed for speed, fineness, small size and lack of stamina. Ben proved in the event to be a good all-round dog.

"'Do you know two dogs when you see them, or even three? asked Coke. "'I do, replied the witness. "'And how many dogs did you see when you saw Cerberus? asked Coke, triumphantly. "'Three, anyhow, replied the witness, with feeling, 'though afterwards I thought there was a whole bench-show atop of me. "'Your witness, said Coke.

Her graceful head harked back in shape to the days when collies had to do much independent thinking, as sheep-guards, and when they needed more brainroom than is afforded by the borzoi skull sought after by modern bench-show experts. Wherefore, Lass had no hope whatever of winning laurels in the show-ring or of attracting a high price from some rich fancier.

"He'd never win at a bench-show," observed her father, lighting his pipe an out-of-door luxury he clung to. "Shiela, you little minx, what makes you look so unusually pretty? Probably that wild-west rig of yours. Hamil, I hope you gave her a few points on grassing a bird. She's altogether too conceited.

I said it with splendid confidence; for in that moment the very twin of that grand New Haven dog loafed into the room, and I saw that Irishman's eye light eloquently with pride and affection. "Ye are? And what is it?" "I've got a bench-show in New Haven." The weather did change then. "You don't say, sir! And that's your show, sir!

I said it with splendid confidence; for in that moment the very twin of that grand New Haven dog loafed into the room, and I saw that Irishman's eye light eloquently with pride and affection. "Ye are? And what is it?" "I've got a bench-show in New Haven." The weather did change then. "You don't say, sir! And that's your show, sir!