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Maud kept her eyes upon him, a smile of satisfaction on her lips so long as he was not looking at her. She liked to play her fish as satisfactorily as she could before grassing it at her feet. "Besides, it will do him good," she said to herself. "He hath lately won the gold badge of archery, and, like all men, is apt to think overmuch of himself at such times.

"Go on then," said Dick, wearily. "Here goes then. You know your cousin to be in the habit of going out grassing and taking walks up Constitootion Hill for training hisself?" "Well, no, Jerry, I never did." "Never found him fond o' buttercups and daisies, or prospects and views and that sort o' thing?" "No." "Nor yet taking six or seven or eight-mile walks to get himself a happetite?" "Never."

He sank down and grassed. And after they had sat thus for another half-hour grassing and growling and angling and sensing one another, it turned out that all that he was trying to say was to ask if she would marry him. And of course she said yes. XIII. Weejee the Pet Dog. An Idyll of the Summer We were sitting on the verandah of the Sopley's summer cottage.

The poor man starves while they are grassing their royal mountain stags or shooting peasants and phartridges in their purblind pomp of pelf and power. But their reign is rover for rever and ever and ev... Venetian masts, maypoles and festal arches spring up. A streamer bearing the legends Cead Mile Failte and Mah Ttob Melek Israel Spans the street.

"He'd never win at a bench-show," observed her father, lighting his pipe an out-of-door luxury he clung to. "Shiela, you little minx, what makes you look so unusually pretty? Probably that wild-west rig of yours. Hamil, I hope you gave her a few points on grassing a bird. She's altogether too conceited.