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This only set Donald a lauching mair than ever, and when he lifted up his nieve, and shook it at Nosey in a gude humoured way, what think ye that the cratur did? Odds man, he took the note frae his pouch, whare it lay rowed up like a baw, and, papping it at Donald, hit him as fairly upon the nose, as if it had been shot out of a weel-aimed musket. There was nae resisting this.

They are deadly, let me tell you; a cigarette loaded with a certain drug has been the ruin of more than one fine young fellow. I disremember the name of the stuff it begins with an 'M, and is surely made in hell itself, for it drives a man stark mad. Once he smokes it he falls into a pit and is lost for ever, body and soul." "Come, I say, isn't this a bit too thick, Mung Baw?"

Shafto stared for a moment, then he said: "By George! I do know him though I can hardly believe my eyes. I'll go and speak to him and find out what this means," and he hurried away below. "Hullo, Mung Baw!" he exclaimed. "Say, this is something like a surprise! What are you doing here?" "Much the same as yourself, sir. The Tug of War is drawing us all home.

Their horses were sorry-looking animals compared with the magnificent creature that Dick bestrode, but they were hardy, nevertheless, and well fitted for their peculiar work. "My! wot a blazer," exclaimed a trapper as Dick rode up. "Where you git him?" inquired a half-breed. "I caught him," answered Dick. "Baw!" cried the first speaker. Dick took no notice of this last remark.

Thus perished the ill-fated husband of poor Mary March, and she herself, from the moment when her hand was touched by the white man, became the child of sorrow, a character which never left her, until she became shrouded in an early tomb. Among her tribe she was known as "De mas do weet," her husband's name was "No nos baw sut."

Mistoo Itchlin, will you 'ave that kin'ness to baw me two-an-a-'alf till the lass of that month?" Richling looked at him a moment in silence, and then broke into a short, grim laugh. "It's all gone. There's no more honey in this flower." He set his jaw as he ceased speaking. There was a warm red place on either cheek.

Here he again paused, apparently awaiting a reply, but none being forthcoming, resumed: "And now, before I go, I want to give ye what ye can't refuse or return and that's a wise word. It was not entirely the ruby stone as brought me here it was some loose talk." "Loose talk, Mung Baw, and you a Buddhist priest! I'm astonished!" "Yes, talk straight out of Fraser Street, my son.

I have left Mung Baw and the yellow robe behind me, and I'm now Corporal Michael Ryan. I'm going into the Army again. Why, I'm only thirty-four when all's said and done. Of course, the shaven head ages a fellow, but I'll grow me hair on me passage home and, maybe, a moustache as well; someone told me that kerosene oil is a grand thing. And you are going to join up too, sir?"