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"Come, go downstairs; we don't want you here. Go and feed your dogs." William and Edward accordingly went off, and left the little girls and Henry to play quietly. Lucy and Emily were very much pleased with the baby-house and the dolls, and Henry got upon the rocking-horse; and so they amused themselves for a while.

The secrecy is a spice that overbears the food. The mystic paraphernalia is a relic of the baby-house, which a generous youth disdains. There is, indeed, an agreeable sentiment in the veiled friendship of the secret society which every social nature understands.

There was a nice little felt hat for one of Mary's dolls, and a looking-glass for the baby-house, and an embroidered cushion, which Willie's industrious fingers had made for Minnie Dudley, as the doll is called a far better employment for him, I think, than throwing it about and treating it roughly, as I have sometimes heard of boys doing.

We found Wyman at home, and if you had asked a bright little girl to show you her baby-house she could have been no better pleased than he.

I had an entire set of silver dishes and plates, and other necessaries, which, in proportion to those of the queen, were not much bigger than what I have seen in a London toy-shop for the furniture of a baby-house: these my little nurse kept in her pocket in a silver box, and gave me at meals as I wanted them, always cleaning them herself.

I remember one adventurous little fellowToo-Too was the rascal’s namewho had built himself a sort of aërial baby-house in the picturesque tuft of a tree adjoining Marheyo’s habitation.

"She said that herself," muttered Henry. "Yes, Papa," said Elizabeth, starting forward, "I did find the doors of the baby-house open, and shut them up, but I never touched anything in it! Sam and Susie know I would not, and that I would not tell a story now, though I once did, you know, Papa!" Captain Merrifield still kept his grave set face, and only asked, "When did you find the doors open?"

Many a good Protestant of the old Puritan type would have felt a strong impulse to seize this "idolatrous" figure and dash it to pieces on the stone floor of the little church. But one must have lived awhile among simple-minded pious Catholics to know what this poor waxen image and the whole baby-house of bambinos mean for a humble, unlettered, unimaginative peasantry.

Grinderson is of opinion, that if restored to your confidence, he could point out circumstances connected with Messrs. "Gilbert Greenhorn." "Well said, Mr. Gilbert Greenhorn," said Monkbarns; "I see now there is some use in having two attorneys in one firm. Their movements resemble those of the man and woman in a Dutch baby-house.

The nest which is to contain these fair things is a wondrous study also, from the coarse masonry of the Robin to the soft structure of the Humming-Bird, a baby-house among nests. Among all created things, the birds come nearest to man in their domesticity. Their unions are usually in pairs, and for life; and with them, unlike the practice of most quadrupeds, the male labors for the young.