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"He had powerful enemies," was all that his apologist dare say, "because he spake the truth." And if we add to this the sevenfold censorship already described, my reader will agree with me that it is absurd to place confidence in records over which the Inquisition exercised a surveillance. The fabled Aztec empire has almost passed from the traditions of the Mexican Indians.

He could be as elementally raw at times as a screaming savage; and at other times as delicate as a maid, as subtle as a Spaniard. And well, was he not Aztec? Inca? Spaniard? And now I must ask pardon for the space I have given him. He looked at me, and by the added lustre of his eye, and by the alertness of it, I knew that at last he was pitched in his proper key.

"It's as aisy talkin' right as talkin' wrong," retorted Sweeny. "Ye've no call to grunt the curritch out av yer betthers. Wait till the liftinant says die." Thurstane was studying the landscape. Which of those ranges was the Cerbat, which the Aztec, and which the Pinaleva?

Poses Plastiques in the Grand Assembly Room up the Stable-Yard at seven and nine each evening, for the Race-Week. Grand Alliance Circus in the field beyond the bridge, for the Race-Week. Grand Exhibition of Aztec Lilliputians, important to all who want to be horrified cheap, for the Race-Week.

Thieves. Old Mexico. Climate. Tramways. The Plaza Mayor. City Streets. The Grand Paseo. Public Statues. Scenes upon the Paseo. The Paseo de la Viga. Out-of-door Concerts. A Mexican Caballero. Lottery Ticket Venders. High Noon. Mexican Soldiers. Musicians. Criminals as Soldiers. The Grand Cathedral. The Ancient Aztec Temple. Magnificent View from the Towers of the Cathedral. Cost of the Edifice.

The latter can present us with a faint trace of the long-faded civilization of their Aztec kindred, while the former have only borrowed a few of the rudest arts of the white, and are protected from extinction merely by the barrier of a frontier more and more violently assailed each year by the speculator and the settler, and already passed by the railway.

The rocky amphitheatre in the midst of which it was built still remains unchanged, but the great lake which surrounded it, traversed by causeways and covered with floating gardens laden with flowers, is gone. The star of the Aztec dynasty set in blood. In vain did the inhabitants of the conquered city, roused to madness by the cruelty and extortion of the victors, expel them from their midst.

Sometimes they were subject to the great Aztec empire, sometimes in alliance, and sometimes at open war with it and in close friendship with the Tlascalans.

An Extinct Volcano. Mexican Mountains. The Public Institutions of the Capital. The Government Palace. The Museum. Maximilian's State Carriage. A Peculiar Plant. The Academy of Fine Arts. Choice Paintings. Art School. Picture Writing. Native Artists. Exquisite Pottery. Cortez's Presents to Charles V. A Special Aztec Art. The Sacrificial Stone. Spanish Historical Authorities. Public Library.

Now overhead the mighty cypresses whispered their tales of ancient glory and faded renown; the wind waved those trailing beards, hoary with age; a gathering of venerable giants, murmuring the days when the Aztec monarch had once held courtly revels under the grateful shadows of their branches. The moaning breeze seemed the wild chant of the Indian priest in honor of the war-god of Anahuac.