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Foster was bound to enlist, he said, was of legal age and looked it; gave his full name, his home and business; said he owned a ranch down in New Mexico near Fort Averill; didn't know enough to go in for a commission and was determined to enlist and serve as a private soldier in the cavalry.

This then must have been the tall stranger who called himself an old friend and would give no name, for it was to Foster, in answer to his most urgent plea, perhaps touched by his devoted love for her lovely daughter, that Mrs. Ray had given that little vignette photograph long months before. There, on the back, was the date in her mother's hand, "Fort Averill, New Mexico, February 15, 1898."

Merritt and Averill, by skillfully maneuvering their troops in front of Bunker's Hill, had enabled us to seize this advantage. The Nineteenth corps was formed on the right of the Sixth, in four lines of battle; Wilson's cavalry was on our left. It was eleven o'clock when the advance was sounded.

The obstinate stand of General Fitz Lee's small force, however, defeated this object, and General Averill was forced to retreat beyond the Rappahannock again with considerable loss, and abandon his expedition.

Lieutenant and Brevet-Captain Lewis W. Munger, graduating at Brown in 1869 and later from the Crozier Theological Seminary, entered the ministry of the Baptist church. Corporal Francis J. Young entered the Yale Medical School before the war, and returned after its close to take his degree in 1866. Hospital Steward James J. Averill also graduated at the Yale Medical School after the war.

It was a case, here, of "Averill following Averill": his father and grandfather, both second sons, as was the Rector himself, had held the living before him, and had performed the duties of it in the traditional and perfectly respectable way. This one was a quiet middle-aged man, clean-shaven except for two small whiskers.

Yardley. The maid who answered her summons surveyed her in amazement. It was the first time that she had seen her uncovered face. Mrs. Yardley was not long in coming up. "Mrs. Averill " she began in a sort of fluster, as she met her strange guest's quiet eye. But she got no further. That guest had a correction to make. "My name is not Averill," she protested.

"Look, Merritt, Averill and all of you," he said aloud. "Here lies our path! Mr. Shepard, you will go over the details of this with us and, Colonel Winchester, you and your aide remain also to help." Dick felt complimented, and so did Colonel Winchester. Sheridan knew how to handle men.

The morning revealed the lovely Shenandoah Valley spread out before us, its river lying at our feet. The troops of the "Army of Virginia," under Averill, had engaged the enemy with doubtful success before our arrival. Indeed, the troops on both sides seemed to have become demoralized.

Several of these seemed to know Miss Anderson, and took her presentation of Mavering with exaggerated effusion. "I want to introduce you to my cousin over yonder," she said, getting rid of a minute Brazilian under-secretary, and putting her hand on Dan's arm to direct him: "Mrs. Justice Averill."