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The whole of Asia was like the city in Sophocles, loaded, at one time, with incense in the air, Jubilant songs, and outcries of despair.

Yet the government still declined to annex. Its hesitancy was probably due to its unwillingness to see a new Eastern province handed over to the equestrian tax-farmers, to whom Caius Gracchus had just given the province of Asia.

Many tried to untie it, but none succeeded, till Alexander the Great, in his career of conquest, came to Phrygia. He tried his skill with as ill success as others, till growing impatient he drew his sword and cut the knot. When he afterwards succeeded in subjecting all Asia to his sway, people began to think that he had complied with the terms of the oracle according to its true meaning.

"When I had recovered somewhat, I told her that I was returning from Asia, that I had disjointed my arm near the city, and had suffered severely, but at the moment of leaving that hospitable house I saw that suffering in it was more to be wished for than delight in another place, that sickness there was better than health somewhere else.

If the English word God means the deity of ordinary Christianity, who is much the same as Allah or Jehovahthat is to say the creator of the world and enforcer of the moral lawthen it would be better never to use this word in writing of the religions of India and Eastern Asia, for the concept is almost entirely foreign to them.

How did these civilisations develop in Asia, and how is it that they have remained stagnant for ages, while Europe advanced? The origin of the Asiatic civilisations is obscure. The common idea of their vast antiquity has no serious ground.

Immediately afterward he joined his mother Olympias, and went away with her to her native country, Epirus, where the mother and son remained for a time in a state of open quarrel with the husband and father. In the mean time Philip had been planning a great expedition into Asia.

Ptolemy, as we have just seen, rejected this idea, and following the opinion of Hipparchus, that the earth was not surrounded by the ocean, but that the ocean was divided into large basins, separated from each other by intervening land, maintained, that while the eastern coast of Africa at Cape Prasum united with the coast of Asia at the bay of the Golden Chersonesus, the western coast of Africa, after forming a great gulf, which he named Hespericus, extended between the east and south till it joined India.

He was now ready to turn his thoughts toward the long-projected plan of the expedition into Asia. The expedition into Asia. Debates upon it. Objections of Antipater and Parmenio. Their foresight. Alexander decides to go. Preparations. Description of Thessaly. Vale of Tempe. Olympus. Pelion and Ossa. Alexander's generosity. Love of money. Religious sacrifices and spectacles.

No goods could be carried coastwise from one part of the United Kingdom to another in any but British ships. No goods could be carried from any one British possession in Asia, Africa, or America, to another, nor from one part of such possession to another part of the same, in any but British ships.