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The leader of the Hungarian band was a gypsy who called himself Alfassy Janos, though he lived on First Avenue, in a flat the door of which bore this legend: Jacob Aron. The rest of the band seemed gypsy. Who is the cymbalom player? That is not difficult to answer; the programme gives it. "There you are, Miss Lora." She looked. "Oh, what a romantic name! He must be a count at least."

Its like choice oyle that fell the head upon that down did flow the beard unto beard of Aron: The skirts of his garment that unto them went down: 3. Like Hermons dews descent Sions mountains upon for there to bee the Lords blessing life aye lasting commandeth hee.

And look at Storborg, the new trader's place there was a business on a proper scale! This Aron must be a wizard, a devil of a fellow; he had learned somehow beforehand of the mining operations to come, and was on the spot all ready, with his shop and store, to make the most of it. Business? He did business enough for a whole State ay, enough for a king!

The Pasha of Modon e Aron supplied them with provisions and was most attentive to them. Abbot and myself pay'd our respects to the old boy, he regaled us with Pipes and Coffee: and acknowledgement was made him for his attentions to the shipwreck'd crew by a salute of twenty guns from H.M. sloop, four of my cut glass tumblers as sherbet glasses, and 1 lb. of Mr. Fribourg's and Palets' best snuff.

He had in fact made up his mind to divide the West from the East, and make himself Emperor of the West under the title of Aron I. The Empire was to be kept in the family, and his beautiful daughter Theodosia was to be Queen after him; but it was gravely debated whether her husband could take the title of King or not. The mad scheme grew daily.

Did the world owe Israel nothing for Philo, Aron ben Asher, Solomon Gabriol, Halevy, Mendelssohn, Heine, Meyerbeer, Rubinstein, Joachim, Zangwill? Does Britain owe nothing to Lord Beaconsfield, Montefiore or the Rothschilds? Can France repudiate her debt to Fould, Gaudahaux, Oppert, or Germany to Furst, Steinschneider, Herxheimer, Lasker, Auerbach, Traube and Lazarus and Benfey?...

"Heard what sort of a man it is?" asked Axel. "Nay," said Sivert. "But he's bringing up houses all ready made, to fix up in no time." "Ho! A rich man, then?" "Ay, seems like. And a wife and three children with him; and horse and cattle." "Why, then, 'twill be a rich man enough. Any more about him?" "No. He's three-and-thirty." "And what's his name?" "Aron, they say. Calls his place Storborg."

Think I'm going to stay fooling about here in your bogs and never so much as making the price of a pipe?" cried Aron indignantly. "Find me a buyer and I'll sell out." "Sell out?" says Axel. "The land's good ordinary land if she's handled as should be and what you've got's enough to keep a man." "Haven't I just said I'll not touch it?" cried Aronsen again in the gale. "I can do better than that!"

Terrier describes double ovariotomy for fibromata in a woman of seventy-seven. Aron speaks of an operation for pilous dermoid of the ovary in a woman of seventy-five. Shepherd reports a case of recurrent proliferous cyst in a woman of sixty-three, on whom successful ovariotomy was performed twice within nine months.

All that summer they had bought their provisions at Storborg, but when they came down now, last time, there was hardly anything to be had. Nothing in stock and what did Aron want with heavy stocks of this and that now the work at the mine had stopped? He had hardly anything of any sort on the place now only money.