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The names are, Jugah or Sejugah, Kalong, Bunshie, Kontong, Lang, Rantie. "The corruptions of the Malay are langan for tangon, arm; ai for ayer, water; menua for benua, country; komah for rumah, house; besi for besar, great.

At evening she went to the station at Fourteenth Street with her father, and stood amongst the people, pressed back by the soldiers, until the trains came in. Alas, the heavy basket which the Colonel carried on his arm was brought home again.

I have many things to arrange first, though. Life is not going to be very easy for the next few days." She held on to his arm. She seemed curiously reluctant to let him go. "Everard," she said, "when we are at Dominey shall I be able to see Doctor Harrison?" "Of course," he assured her. "There is something I want to say to him," she confided, "something I want to ask you, too.

When he was gone, the pupils having already poured out of the schoolroom into the berceau, and thence into the garden and court to take their customary recreation before the five-o'clock dinner, I stood a moment thinking, and absently twisting the handkerchief round my arm.

It was a difficult task, though he was no weakling, yet it was not hard for Adam's arm to swing and guide the burden. If only the man had understood how to govern his life as well as he managed his ponderous tool! He did not belong to Richtberg. What would his father have said, had he lived to see his son dwell here?

The Maid was doing in her chair in my room, when she sprang up and cried out, 'French blood is flowing! my arms, give me my arms! Her giant was on guard at the door, and he brought D'Aulon, who began to arm her, and I and the giant have been warning the staff.

I put down my empty glass on the table and looked about the room, and caught a glimpse of myself, abbreviated and broadened to an impossible sturdiness, in the queer old mirror at the end of the room. "Well," I said, "if I see anything to-night, I shall be so much the wiser. For I come to the business with an open mind." "It's your own choosing," said the man with the withered arm once more.

"What can it be that has been giving you this trouble for so long a time?" he asked. "I know not," she faintly replied as she stood still and pressed both hands to her heart. Thoroughly alarmed, Mr. World called for help while he supported her with his arm.

In the seat in front, the native pilot said: "Some contragravity up ahead, boss." It sounded like two voices speaking in unison, which was just what it was. "I'll have a look." The pilot's hand, long and thin, like a squirrel's, reached up and pulled down the fifty-power binoculars on their swinging arm.

"If you will listen a few minutes you will see how fortunate I am. You never asked me what brought me out from the old country, Harry." Alton gravely pressed his arm. "There are times when one must talk. Go on, if it will do you good," he said.