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It must have been a beautiful sight from many a near mountain height to watch the Patriarch's chimney-pot hat slowly move downwards on the zigzag path. "What's that Virgil says about ranging mountain tops?" said the Chancery Barrister: "Me Parnassi deserta per ardua dulcis Raptat amor: juvat ire jugis, qua nulla priorum Castaliam molli divertitur orbita clivo."

Amor, the word she had in mind, certainly has a connection with Arson. But the delivery of a letter into Master Ripton's hands, furnished her with other and likelier appearances to study.

They were so tiny that it took her a long time to puzzle them out. With difficulty at length she deciphered the quaint letters, but even then it was some time before she grasped the meaning that they spelt. It flashed upon her finally, as though a voice had spoken into her ear. The words were: OMNIA VINCIT AMOR. And the ring in her hand was no longer the outward visible sign of her compact.

The leader and his orchestra were the weavers of the rich robe of sound, in which alone the hidden spirit of Music, daughter of Psyche and Amor, becomes perceptible to mortal sense.

I feel it all I feel that I am too old that thou art too young that I am departing from the ways of wisdom, and am regardless of my worldly prospects. Still, omnia vincit amor, and I bow to the all-powerful god, doing him homage through thee, Mary. Vainly have I resisted vainly have I, as I have lain in bed, tried to drive thee from my thoughts, and tear thine image from my heart.

Amor, qué astro eres? On the following day, Thursday, at the hour of sunset, Isagani was walking along the beautiful promenade of Maria Cristina in the direction of the Malecon to keep an appointment which Paulita had that morning given him.

Her eyes shone; she chatted volubly of the inconsequent happenings of her small world since the Kid's last visit; it was as all his other home-comings had been. Then outside Tonia swung in a grass hammock with her guitar and sang sad /canciones de amor/. "Do you love me just the same, old girl?" asked the Kid, hunting for his cigarette papers.

But the Ancient One knew his way anywhere in the world without a path to guide him. He climbed and climbed, and little King Amor slept soundly in the folds of his gray robe.

"It never can befall you, amor mio! but, Ludovico, you could not only live, but you could love some other woman;" she uttered the words with a little gulp of emotion, and continued: "Do you imagine, that if I lived to a thousand years, I could ever love any other than you?" "What right have you to say, Paolina, that I should ever, or could ever love another but you?" said Ludovico, indignantly.

Bien haya que la mujer sea en su casa amor y ensueño, gloria y felicidad; pero también más allá de los muros de su hogar debe cumplir su misión divina y hacer llegar a todos el secreto tesoro de bondad y dulzura de que la ha provisto la buena providencia.