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"Let old Samanas be content with such feats!" In the town of Savathi, every child knew the name of the exalted Buddha, and every house was prepared to fill the alms-dish of Gotama's disciples, the silently begging ones.

The Hindoos say that the goddess Gungu who was produced from the sweat of Vrishnoo's foot, which Brumha caught and preserved in his alms-dish came down from heaven, and divided herself into one hundred streams, which are the mouths of the river Ganges. All classes and castes worship her. The sight, the name, or the touch of the river Ganges is said to take away all sin.

The Buddha himself, the enlightened one, was also in the habit of taking this walk to beg in the morning. Siddhartha saw him, and he instantly recognised him, as if a god had pointed him out to him. He saw him, a simple man in a yellow robe, bearing the alms-dish in his hand, walking silently. "Look here!" Siddhartha said quietly to Govinda. "This one is the Buddha."

"He who ought to have had held over him the feather-shade," they said, "whose hands should grasp 'the reins of the flying dragon, see how he walks in daylight on the dusty road! holding his alms-dish, going to beg! Gifted enough to tread down every enemy, lovely enough to gladden woman's heart, with glittering vesture and with godlike crown reverenced he might have been by servile crowds!

It has furnished murderers for its own martyrs. It has sometimes fed the body, but has always starved the soul. It has been a charitable highwayman, a generous pirate. It has produced some angels and a multitude of devils. It has built more prisons than asylums. It made a hundred orphans while it cared for one. In one hand it carried the alms-dish, and in the other a sword.

Every feast-day morn have they found their alms-dish weightier with coin than ever she knew it before." When Edward repeated this intelligence to his queen, she recollected Dame Idonea's gossiping information that brave Sir Robert, the flower of the House of Darcy, had only entered the Order of St.

On all paths of the marvellous grove, monks walked in yellow robes, under the trees they sat here and there, in deep contemplation or in a conversation about spiritual matters, the shady gardens looked like a city, full of people, bustling like bees. The majority of the monks went out with their alms-dish, to collect food in town for their lunch, the only meal of the day.

On many days, I have seen him, walking through the alleys in silence, wearing his yellow cloak, presenting his alms-dish in silence at the doors of the houses, leaving with a filled dish." Delightedly, Govinda listened and wanted to ask and hear much more. But Siddhartha urged him to walk on.

Lucas Brownlow would like it best to go in something for the Mission Church; and if they wanted to give him something for his very own, suppose they got him a brass plate for the door?" "Bravo, Infanta; that was an inspiration!" "So they are to give an alms-dish, and Ali and Elfie give the rest of the plate. Dr.

It was winter, and the streets of tall and sullen houses in that gloomy neighbourhood were darkening with fog. This fog crept slowly into the cathedral. The surpliced boy who presented an alms-dish just within the doors was stamping his feet and snuffling with cold. The leaves of tracts and pamphlets on the table blew up and chattered in the wind every time the door was thrust open.