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"Countess," he said, "you are the widow of a rich man. You are sole heir to the estate of the late Count Almonte. As to you, sir, I presume you have no objection to wedding a lady so well provided with this world's goods. Adieu, Madame Countess, and may your second marriage be happier than your first." The Cited Did Alonzo Morelos begrudge liberty or happiness to Felipe Guayos?

By 1859 it had reached Almonte, and six years later struggled as far as Sand Point on the Ottawa, when it halted, till the Canadian Pacific project gave it new life. After failing to make ends meet for some years the company went through repeated reorganizations in the early sixties.

"When Almonte came, he embraced Santa Anna, and addressing Houston, said: 'General, you are born to a great destiny. You have conquered the Napoleon of the West. Generosity becomes the brave and the fortunate. "Houston answered, sternly: 'You should have remembered that sentiment at the Alamo and at Goliad. "Then the following conversation occurred.

Almonte, young, brilliant and generous, had made him almost feel as if he were a guest and not a prisoner. He did not discern in him that underlying strain of Spanish cruelty, which passion might bring to the surface at any moment. It might be due to his youth, or it might be due to his American education. "We march in an hour," said Almonte.

Almonte and his associates openly favored the scheme of placing Maximilian on the throne. The Mexican government demanded the removal of General Almonte and his associates from the camp of the allies, and in this demand the British and Spanish representatives concurred.

A regency, composed of General Almonte, General Salas, and Archbishop Labastida, was forthwith established, under the protection of the French. It was obvious to all that the performance was enacted for the "benefit of the gallery." Gossip even told how the French had paid for the very clothes worn by some of the so-called "notables" upon that occasion.

Maximilian received him only twice, and rather resented his warnings. His visit only added to the coldness of the young Emperor's relations with the French. Shortly afterward General Almonte was sent to France on a mission, the object of which, was to influence Napoleon to continue his support. The only result of his errand was a communication addressed to Maximilian, dated May 31, 1866.

Soon after the withdrawal of the British and Spanish contingents, General Almonte instituted a government in the territory occupied by the French and assumed the title of "Supreme Chief of the Nation," but it soon became evident, as Mr.

"I am not superstitious myself that is, not unnecessarily so," he said, "but yours must be a lucky star. After all that, you should have escaped, and your present capture must be a mere delay. You will slip from us again." "I shall certainly try," said Ned hopefully. "It is bound to come true," said Almonte. "All the omens point that way." Ned smiled.