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I understood how this was later, when I myself had gone over the staircases and ladders which led to the last level. Their faces were as black as chimney sweeps; their clothes and hats covered with coal dust. Each man entered the lamplighter's cabin and hung up his lamp on a nail. Although keeping a careful lookout, I did not see Alexix until he had rushed up to me.

It was in a winding street, which led from the hill to the river, at a little distance from the mine. When we reached the house, a woman who was leaning up against the door talking to two or three neighbors told me that Gaspard, the miner, would not be back until six o'clock. "What do you want of him?" she asked. "I want to see Alexix, his nephew." "Oh? you're Remi?" she said.

And I wanted him very much to like Lise. The cold welcome that the aunt had given us did not encourage me to return to the house, so at a little before six o'clock, Mattia, Capi, and I went to the entrance of the mine to wait for Alexix.

It's not worse than any other job. It's better than being a singer on the streets. You can stay here with Alexix. We'll get a job for Mattia also, but not in playing the cornet, oh no." I had no intention of staying at Varses; there was something else I had set myself to do.

"Say, Remi," he began, "I've got two five franc pieces. Take one; I'll be so pleased if you will." Of the five of us, Alexix was the only one who cared very much for money. We always made fun of his greed; he saved up sou by sou, counting his hoard continually, he was always very proud when he had a brand new piece.