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The ideal dinners of the past at Washington, with the old Virginia hospitality, the oysters, terrapin, wild turkeys, venison, served by negro cooks and waiters, the hostess keeping the idea of agreeability before her, instead of caring principally for her china, her glass, and her table-cloth.

That's one reason I am such a go-between for Uncle Peter and the League, I am making votes for my man, so I consider it all right for me never to deliver any of their messages to each other as they are given to me, but to twist them into agreeability to suit myself. Sallie said the Dominie was entirely on our side and that was why she went walking with him Sunday afternoon.

There are certain things that we greatly admire on this very account such as all precious gems, polished and lustrous stones and marbles, especially those into which we can look as into a transparent depth. A picture, therefore, cannot be said to be well coloured unless this peculiar quality of agreeability be in it. To attain this, much exactness may be sacrificed with safety.

I must not, however, forget that I began this paper with questioning the title of Rubens as a colourist. It has been shown, that I consider no painter a colourist, who does not unite the two essentials of colour, agreeability, and its perfect sympathy with the subject. I have endeavoured to show in what this agreeability consists.

Not that this hauteur was intended as a particular affront: it was only the agreeability of his lordship's general manner. "Are you engaged?" said Clarence to Flora. "I am, at present, to Lord Borodaile." "After him, may I hope?" Lady Flora nodded assent, and disappeared with Lord Borodaile.

His father had been a popular man, fully more popular than Mr. Crawfurd of the Ewes. Harry was even more approved, for mingling with the world had smoothed down in him the intolerance of temper which beset his father. What did Joanna Crawfurd say to such compromising agreeability? Joanna was disarmed in his case; she contradicted herself, as we all do.

After all, one grows weary of every thing that is to be had for the mere act of wishing. Difficulty is essential to enjoyment. High life is as likely to tire on one's hands as any other. The Marquis, giving all the praise of manners and agreeability to Vienna, sums up all in one prodigious yawn.

I beheld a woman of five-and-twenty, belonging to the petty burgher class, to judge from her attire, with a large kerchief on her head. Her face was simple, rather round in contour, not devoid of agreeability; her gaze was downcast and rather melancholy, her movements were embarrassed. "Are you Madame Pólteff?" I asked, inviting her to be seated.

Rusk's observation about the agreeability of new-comers I found to be true; for as Madame began to lose that character, her good-humour abated very perceptibly, and she began to show gleams of another sort of temper, that was lurid and dangerous.

Not that this hauteur was intended as a particular affront: it was only the agreeability of his lordship's general manner. "Are you engaged?" said Clarence to Flora. "I am, at present, to Lord Borodaile." "After him, may I hope?" Lady Flora nodded assent, and disappeared with Lord Borodaile.