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He is obeyed in the world who, having listened to counsels of wisdom, accepts them, abandoning his own opinions.

She is, at the same time, taught to regard this spot as a kind of water-closet which she ought to be extremely ashamed to possess, and the mere mention of which should cause a painful blush." The average unthinking woman accepts the incongruity of this opposition without question, and grows accustomed to adapt herself to each of the incompatibles according to circumstances.

But even you, most potent Charles, couldn't satisfy a woman who was wanting some one else." "You don't think I could make her forget?" he said. She shook her head, smiling. "When the real thing comes along, all shams must go overboard. It's the rule of the game." "And this is the real thing?" he questioned. She made a little gesture as of one who accepts the inevitable.

Ask a Christian of this kind to deny Christ in order to save his life, and he will do it. Ask a Bahá’í to deny any of the great Prophets, to deny his faith or to deny Moses, Muḥammad or Christ, and he will say: I would rather die. So a Muḥammadan Bahá’í is a better Christian than many so called Christians. A Bahá’í denies no religion; he accepts the Truth in all, and would die to uphold it.

Tait, William and Mary Howitt;" Sir William Molesworth, hearing of his last illness, sends him unsolicited fifty pounds, which, as we understand it, Nicoll accepts without foolish bluster about independence. Why not? man should help man, and be helped by him. Would he not have done as much for Sir William?

No one knew better than the captain that the only responsibilities which a weak man ever accepts are responsibilities which can be perpetually pointed out to him as resting exclusively on his own shoulders. "I am accustomed to set my face against clandestine proceedings of all kinds," said Captain Wragge. "But there are exceptions to the strictest rules; and I am bound to admit, Mr.

But he dismisses that idea he is so reasonable. He accepts all. He sits clothed in reasonableness on the machine, and accepts all. 'Ass! you exclaim. 'Why doesn't he get down and inflate that tyre, for one thing? Anyone can see the sparking apparatus is wrong, and it's perfectly certain the gear-box wants oil. Why doesn't he ? I will tell you why he doesn't.

That's the custom in her country, it seems her sign that she accepts him as a suitor." Seeing the look of wonderment growing on his brother's face, Hal had to stop for a moment to keep his own face straight. "If that man wasn't serious in his intention, Edward, he'll have trouble, for I know Mrs. Zamboni's emotional nature. She'll follow him about everywhere " "Hal, that creature is insane!"

THE only possible excuse for this book is that it is an answer to a challenge. Even a bad shot is dignified when he accepts a duel. "I will begin to worry about my philosophy," said Mr. Street, "when Mr. Chesterton has given us his." It was perhaps an incautious suggestion to make to a person only too ready to write books upon the feeblest provocation. But after all, though Mr.

It is interesting to observe how several very different types of individuals may succeed in winning public favor as virtuosos. Indeed, except for the long-haired caricature which the public accepts as the conventional virtuoso there is no "virtuoso type."