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A giant physically and yet somehow he gave the impression of excessive gauntness and about his face there dwelt a strange impression of sadness and spiritual anguish. The hollowness of his cheeks accented by his swarthy complexion emphasized this. The crowd had recognized him instantly, but without the slightest applause. The silence was intense, oppressive, painful.

For her limbs were straight at the knees and faultlessly coupled, and there seemed to be the adolescent's smooth lack of development in the scarcely accented hips only a straightly flowing harmony of proportion a lad's grace muscularly undeveloped. Two leather straps crossed her breast, one weighted with field glasses, the other with a pouch.

Bernard had time for a mental accompaniment with variations, accented by certain bodily changes, which escaped Mr. Peckham's observation. First there was a feeling of disgust and shame at hearing Helen Darley spoken of like a dumb working animal. That sent the blood up into his cheeks.

The slightly constrained laugh which went round the table after Miss Minty's speech was due quite as much to the faint flush that had accented Mainwaring's own smile as to the embarrassing remark itself. Mrs. Bradley and Miss Macy exchanged rapid glances.

She could almost hear that poor, tired, toneless voice of his, that was yet so deep and so perfectly accented.... She bought docilely whatever her guide directed, and woke from a species of gentle daze at the afternoon's end to find Mrs.

The General was in uproarious good humor. He came in babbling completely uncomprehensible English. There was Helena. She smiled warmly at Coburn. She went at once to Janice. "How do you do?" she said in her prettily accented English. "I have missed not working for your husband, but this is my fiancé!"

In every age, and in every climate, the first impulse of the savage is to shun the civilized man. The language of the Chayma Indians was less agreeable to my ear than the Caribbee, the Salive, and other languages of the Orinoco. It has fewer sonorous terminations in accented vowels. We are struck with the frequent repetition of the syllables guaz, ez, puec, and pur.

Possibly no boy ever had hair of such a homely red. Certainly few could have been found with bigger freckles. But it was his eyes which accented the plainness of his features. You know the color of a ripe gooseberry, that indefinable faint purplish tint; well, that was it. If Lafe found no fault with Blue Blazes, the colt found no fault with Lafe.

It must be kept in mind that all the gang'-sa are beaten regularly and in perfect time there is no such thing as half notes. The gang'-sa is struck at each italicized count, and each unitalicized count represents a rest, the accent represents the accented beat of the gang'-sa. The ka'-los is usually beaten without accent and without rest.

She had not yet forgiven him that stare of suspicion when first their eyes had met; he should pay her for that yet. Certainly I know her," he answered. "And you have been waiting, too? What a pity!" And he permitted himself the awkwardness of adding: "I did not know that you were to be of our party." She accented the pronouns a little, but it was enough for him to know that he had been rebuked.