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As soon as the verdict given by Professor Macop had been approved of, the Abbe Grimani undertook to find a good boarding-house in Padua for me, through a chemist of his acquaintance who resided in that city. His name was Ottaviani, and he was also an antiquarian of some repute.

"Madame," said he, "since that man Laveuve is dead, and you have taken so much trouble with regard to the bed which you now have vacant, will you be so good as to keep it vacant until I have seen our venerable friend, Abbe Rose? I am to see him this evening, and he knows so many cases of want, and would be so glad to relieve one of them, and bring you some poor protege of his."

Why, the Abbe de Lorraine, cardinal that is now, said of my complexion 'No vows, quotha! muttered Sir Marmaduke, well aware of the Cardinal de Lorraine's opinion of his lady's complexion. 'So much the better; he is too good a young fellow to be forced to mope single, and yet I hate men's breaking their word. 'And that's all you have to say! angrily cried her ladyship.

Finally, she publicly thanked the Abbe Birotteau with heartfelt warmth for having shown her the illusion of all earthly things. When she ceased to speak, prayers were said again, and the curate of Sache gave her the viaticum.

We that is, the Trio had been reading one evening; or rather, our friend Gratian read to me and the Curate, the "Conversation with the Abbé Delille and W. L." We loitered, too, in the reading, as we do when the country is of a pleasant aspect, to look about us and admire and we interspersed our own little talk by the way.

The magistrate continued: "I have learned from the old deaf abbe who dined at the house of the Marechale d'Effiat, and who heard all, that this young Cinq-Mars exhibited more energy than one would have imagined, and that he attempted to rescue the Marechal de Bassompierre. I have still by me the detailed report of the deaf man, who played his part very well.

Roaldes as a musician a few years before; he had helped to build schools, orphanages, asylums, and such like. But he had never helped to build a church. Would he now help him to rebuild the church of Vergt? The Abbe did not know Jasmin personally, but he went over to Agen, and through a relative, made his acquaintance. Thus the Abbe and the poet came together.

The Abbe Chaulieu wants some one to copy his poetry, since, being blind, he is obliged to dictate in the first instance to a little lackey who cannot spell, and he has confided this important task to Buvat. By this means he has become acquainted with Mademoiselle Bathilde." "But all this does not explain how Mademoiselle Bathilde came to Sceaux."

"Sir, your words are bold and are in no way mitigated by your humble mien!" exclaimed the king. "If you have no other offer to make, the audience will end, at least for the present." "May I crave one moment more?" asked the Abbé. "Yes, but be brief," returned the king. "My instructions, your Majesty, are to leave London not later than sunrise on the day after making my king's offer.

'Ah! it is no wonder, said the youthful Abbe, as he tenderly lifted the inanimate figure. 'This has been a night of horrors. I was coming in haste to know whether the King knows of this frightful plot of M. de Guise, and the bloody work that is passing in Paris. 'The King! exclaimed Diane. 'M. l'Abbe, do you know where he is now?