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To the left lay the green Island of Wight, with its long, low, curving hills peeping over each other's shoulders to the sky-line; to the right the wooded Hampshire coast as far as eye could reach; above a steel-blue heaven, with a wintry sun shimmering down upon them, and enough of frost to set the breath a-smoking. "By St.

There's one or two I don't see, but then they are real gentlemen, and thinks of me as well as theirselves, and doesn't blab." "I must have been drunk," said Falcon apologetically. "More likely blowing a cloud. When you young gents gets a-smoking together, you'd tell on your own mothers. Come along, colonel, off we go to Merrimashee." "Why, it is only twenty-six pounds. I have paid the rest."

One was a-smoking, and t'other one wanted a light; so they stopped right before me and the cigars lit up their faces and I see that the big one was the deaf and dumb Spaniard, by his white whiskers and the patch on his eye, and t'other one was a rusty, ragged-looking devil." "Could you see the rags by the light of the cigars?" This staggered Huck for a moment.

Loman waited patiently for a quarter of an hour, when the boy returned. "Oh!" said he, "the governor can't see you, he says. He's a-smoking his pipe, he says, and he ain't a-goin' to put himself about, he says, for the likes of you. That's what he says! Ti ridde tol rol ro!" and here the youth indulged in a spitefully cheerful carol as he resumed the polishing of the mugs.

Lance would have stopped the old man's narrative by saying that he knew the story, but he wished to see how far Flip lent herself to her father's delusion. "Ye see, one night about two years ago I had a pit o' charcoal burning out there, and tho' it had been a-smouldering and a-smoking and a-blazing for nigh unto a month, somehow it didn't charcoal worth a cent.

He was that scared when this here gigantic ruffian stopped him I just happened to be a-setting in among the cedar-bushes at the time, smoking a seegar and looking on sort of casual he couldn't do nothing more'n yell out he wasn't going to shoot, and not to murder him; and then down he jumped from the box me a-smoking away looking at him, and this here ruffian a-shooting his Winchester across the top of the coach to where he said he thought he seen a jack-rabbit and cut out the near wheeler; and then he scrambled up anyhow on that mule's back, and away he went down the barranca as hard as hell!"

It was the illusion of hidden wealth, of buried treasure, which keeps half the mines in the West closed down and half of the rest in litigation; except that in Keno it seemed to be associated with gun-plays and a marked tendency towards homicide. So, upon his return from a short stay in the hospital he came up the main street silently, then stepped on the throttle and went through town a-smoking.

I didn't try to enlighten him, feeling the task too heavy; but I pulled out my magnificent pipe and fell a-smoking, and the old horse jogged on again. As we went, I said: "This pipe is a very elaborate toy, and you seem so reasonable in this country, and your architecture is so good, that I rather wonder at your turning out such trivialities."

Where is she? Are you sure?" "And sartain, sir. Only t' other night, as I sat a-smoking my pipe on the lawn, yonder, she comes out to me, and nestles down under my lee like she used to years ago. 'Jerry, dear, says she, 'er voice all low and soft-like, 'look at the moon, how beautiful it is! says she, and she give a sigh.

A few minutes later he called back to Tempy in the kitchen and asked her if she'd been sinful enough to make two cups. Doc's dinner was ready for him when he got back from church, and it was real food that is to say, hot food, a-sizzling and a-smoking from the stove.