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Bible: Mary Emerson's study, 16; Mosaic cosmogony, 18; the Exodus, 35; the Lord's Supper, 58; Psalms, 68, 181, 182, 253; lost Paradise, 101; Genesis, Sermon on the Mount, 102; Seer of Patmos, 102, 103; Apocalypse, 105; Song of Songs, 117; Baruch's roll, 117, 118; not closed, 122; the Sower, 154; Noah's Ark, 191; Pharisee's trumpets, 255; names and imagery, 268; sparing the rod, 297; rhythmic mottoes, 314; beauty of Israel, 351; face of an angel, 352; barren fig-tree, 367; a classic, 376; body of death, "Peace be still!" 379; draught of fishes, 381; its semi-detached sentences, 405; Job quoted, 411; "the man Christ Jesus," 412; scattering abroad, 414.

It tells you how far it is from Southampton to Fremantle, so that if you are interested in the M.C.C. Australian team you can follow them day by day across the sea. Why, with all your geographical knowledge you couldn't even tell me the distance between Yokohama and Honolulu, but I can give the answer in a moment 3,379 miles. Also I know exactly what a section of the world along lat. 45 deg.

Children extracted between 1 and 5 minutes after death of the mother, 21 " " 10 and 15 " " " " " " 13 " " 15 and 30 " " " " " " 2 " " 1 hour " " " " " " 2 " " 2 hours " " " " " " 2 Garezky of St. Petersburg collected reports of 379 cases of Cesarean section after death with the following results: 308 were extracted dead; 37 showed signs of life; 34 were born alive.

Thus in heart-burning and uncertainty closed the year which had commenced with the assassination of the King. An arrogant and unruly aristocracy, a divided and jealous ministry, and a harassed and discontented population were its bitter fruits. Mercure Français, 1610, p. 505. L'Etoile, vol. iv. pp. 191, 192. Mézeray, vol. xi. pp. 10, 11. D'Estrées, Mém. p. 379.

379. =Socialism.= Socialism is a third variety of the theory that social order and efficiency depend on external authority. Socialists aim at improving the social welfare by the collective control of industry.

Sidney, Sir Philip, Chevy Chace, 379. Silsbee, William, aid in publishing Carlyle, 81. Simonides, prudence, 410. Sisyphus, illustration, 334. Sleight-of-hand, illustration, 332. Smith, James and Horace, Rejected Addresses, 387, 397. Smith, Sydney, on bishops, 219. Socrates: allusion, 203; times mentioned, 382. Solitude, sought, 135. Solomon, epigrammatic, 405. Solon, 199. Sophron, 199.

Epaminondas, then living at Thebes, dissuaded the enterprise as too hazardous, although all his sympathies were with the conspirators. In concert with the Theban exiles at Athens, Pelopidas, with six companions, crossed Cithæron and arrived at Thebes, in December, B.C. 379, disguised as hunters, with no other arms than concealed daggers.

That is the highest reward I have hoped for in public life, and I am sure that no man who earns that reward will ever in Upper Canada have better occasion to speak of the gratitude of the people." Pope's Memoirs of Sir John Macdonald, Vol. I., pp. 133, 134. Dent's Last Forty Years, Vol. II., pp. 379, 380. In his home in Scotland Brown had been imbued with a hatred of slavery.

I'm horribly depressed and ashamed of myself, because there is nothing on earth the matter with me, and I've let you think there is." She smiled mournfully; this was another symptom of a morbid state. She turned, unconsciously, to page 379 to verify her observation. "See here, Miss Hollis," he broke out, "haven't I any chance to convince you that I am not ill?

For analogous cases in clay-slate, see Professor Henslow's Memoir in "Cambridge Philosophical Transactions" volume 1 page 379, and Macculloch's "Classification of Rocks" page 351. With respect to both foliation and cleavage becoming tortuous where quartz-veins abound, I have seen instances near Monte Video, at Concepcion, and in the Chonos Islands. See also Mr.