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Athanasius died in A.D. 371 or 373; and that bereavement of the Church was followed, among its calamities, by the open avowal of heresy on the part of Apollinaris. In a letter already referred to, he claims Athanasius as agreeing with him, and then proceeds to profess one of the very tenets against which Athanasius had written.

Jealousy with those married partners who tenderly love each other is a just grief grounded in sound reason lest conjugial love should be divided, and should thereby perish, 371, 372. Jealousy with married partners who do not love each other is grounded in several causes, proceeding in some instances from various mental sickness, 373, 375. Jealousy with men resides in the understanding, 372.

In short, by the end of March, Mary was able to report to another special meeting of the board of directors that where Spencer & Son had been 371 men short on the first of the year, every empty place was now taken and a waiting list was not only willing but eager to start upon work which was easier than washing, ironing, scrubbing or sewing, and was guaranteed to pay $21 a week and up!

Jugum. A mountain chain. Vertices. Distinct summits. Insederunt. This word usually takes a dat., or an abl., with in. But the poets and later prose writers use it as a transitive verb with the acc.==have settled, inhabited. Cf. H. 371, 4; Z. 386; and Freund sub voce. Observe the comparatively unusual form of the perf. 3d plur. in -erunt instead of -ere. Cf. note, His. 2, 20. Nomen==gens.

X, p. 371: 'Y porque mas claramente conozcan Vs. XI, p. 345. Rojas is brutally frank. X, p. 396. The word 'perjuro' is again used by Luis de Leon of this witness in Documentos inéditos, vol. Luis de Leon y Fr.

From the official returns made to the Government in 1828 to 1830, Colonel Flinter drew up the following statement of the agricultural wealth of the island in the latter year : This agricultural wealth of the island, houses, lands, and slaves not included, was valued at $37,993,600, and its annual produce at $6,883,371, half of which was exported.

"The angel's like a flea, The devil is a bore; " No matter for that! quoth S.T.C. I love him the better therefore. Yes! heroic Swan, I love thee even when thou gabbiest like a goose; for thy geese helped to save the Capitol. Ib. p. 371. Yea! two or three more such angels as thyself, Martin Luther, and thy prediction would be, or perhaps would now have been, accomplished. Chap. XXXV. p. 388.

Filicaja. Photius, i. 128, who quotes Avitus, 3rd letter, and Ennodius, and Gelasius, Ep. xiii. Photius, i. 126; Hefele, C.G., ii. 596. Jaffé, 371, 372; Mansi, vii. 1097; vii. 1100. Dum scilicet ad Apostolicam Sedem regulariter destinatur, per quam largiente Christo omnium solidatur dignitas sacerdotum.

Epigr. iii, p. 111 and Ges. Schiften, i. 158, 263, 371; Liebenam, Städteverwaltung, 393. Rules were also laid down occasionally to forbid balconies and similar structures which might impede the light and air in narrow streets, and it was a common rule that cemeteries and brickyards must lie outside the area of inhabitation.

Autobiography, p. 116. Works, vi. 204. Works, vii. 391. Works, vii. 321-25. Court-martials are hardly a happy example now. 'Truth v. Ashhurst' , Works, v. 235. Ibid. vi. 11. Ibid. v. 92. Works, vii. 204, 331; ix. 143. Ibid. vii. 214. Ibid. v. 349. Ibid. v. 364. Works, v. 371. Ibid. v. 375. Ibid. vii. 188. Ibid. v. 370. Thus Bentham, as his eyes were opened, became a Radical.