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==>Be careful to ask for The London Kalendar, printed for J. Stockdale, &c. which may be had bound in the three following different Ways. I. With the New Companion to the London Kalendar. II. With the Arms of all the Peers of England, Scotland, and Ireland. A DIALOGUE on the ACTUAL STATE of PARLIAMENT. Price 1s. The Propriety of Retaining GIBRALTAR impartially considered. Price 1s.

In 1882 headmen engage for the Oil Rivers at 1l., and 'boys' for 10s. to 12s. For the gold-mines of Wásá they have learned to demand 1s. 3d. per diem, and at the cheapest 1l. a month, the headmen receiving double. The Kru-market does not supply more than 4,000 hands, and yet it is already becoming 'tight. In a few years demand will be excessive.

Dinner, 3s. 6d. Play part, 2s. Oranges, 1s. Home coach, 1s. 6d. 15th. After playing a little upon my new little flageolet, that is so soft that pleases me mightily, betimes to my office, where most of the morning.

Thanks to the cheapness of coal and an intelligent culture, grapes from the north travel now southwards, in a contrary direction to ordinary fruit. They cost so little that in May, English and Jersey grapes are sold at 1s. 8d. per pound by the gardeners, and yet this price, like that of 40s. thirty years ago, is only kept up by slack production.

Now as to what it cost me when I meant doing it moderately. It cost £8 to New York. Owing to business in New York I stayed there a fortnight, and it cost me $4 a day, say £11. The journey to San Francisco ran to £12 including provisions. The Pacific voyage was £22 in all. The fare from Sydney to Melbourne for ocean passengers is £2. 1s. 6d. To Naples I paid £32. Another £12 brought me to London.

The question of overcharging Canadians became such a scandal that later on it was brought up in the House of Commons in an endeavour to fix prices for certain commodities in the Canadian Shorncliffe area. The story is told of a Canadian going into a store and asking the youngster in charge the price of some article. The youngster called up stairs and the answer came back 1s. 10d.

Liber Amoris, 3 editions, 3,000 copies. Forbidden Fruit, 5 editions, 5,000 copies. 9,250 copies at 1s. = £462, 10s. Moiety of same due to Miss Jones, £231, 5s. 'I don't mind receipting it for two hundred and thirty, she said, as she handed it to him. Hyacinth was completely awakened by this: the joke was growing serious.

Monday. looked into the baths, and find the King and Queene's full of a mixed sort of good and bad, and the Cross only almost for the gentry. So home with my wife, and did pay my guides, two women, 5s.; one man, 2s. 6d.; poor, 6d.; woman to lay my foot-cloth, 1s. So to our inne, and there eat and paid reckoning, 1l. 8s. 6d.; servants, 3s.; poor, 1s.; lent the coachman, 10s.

Many farmers pay £50 and £60 a year for beer drunk by their labourers a serious addition to their wages. The railway companies and others who employ mechanics, do not allow them any beer. The allowance of a good cottage and a quarter of an acre of garden for 1s. per week is not singular.

In 1664 we find the following entry made: "Paid in beere to the Ringers for a peale to trye if the Tower shooke £0 1s 0d." As we read this entry, we cannot help wondering if the large amount of beer which a shilling would purchase in those days was given to the ringers so as to give them a fictitious courage and blind their eyes to the possible danger of bringing the tower down upon their heads.