United States or Guinea ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

He appreciates the prayers of the friends, and sends you all his loving greetings.... May the Spirit of Bahá’u’lláh sustain you in your splendid activities, aid you to acquire a fuller grasp of the fundamental and distinguishing features and teachings of our beloved Faith, and lend a great impetus to its onward march, Your true brother, Shoghi 27 September 1956

3 February 1956 Dear Bahá’í Sister: The Beloved Guardian has directed me to write to your Assembly explaining his view that now that the National Hazírá has been established and is well able to take care of the national office of the National Assembly; that the office of the Secretary of the National Assembly should be established there as soon as convenient.

It follows therefrom that the words "in the waters thereof," as used in section 1956, and the words "dominion of the United States in the waters of Behring Sea," in the amendment thereto, must be construed to mean the waters within three miles from the shores of Alaska. In coming to this conclusion, this court does not decide the question adversely to the political department of the government.

During 1956 there was a rumor I heard it many times that the Air Force had entered into a grand conspiracy with the U.S. news media to "stamp out the UFO." The common people of the world, the rumor had it, were not yet psychologically conditioned to learn that we had been visited by superior beings.

If you have not already seen it, you will wish to secure copies. At the same time, will you please send me for use here, 6 copies. It is not necessary to send the entire magazine for all six, simply the pages dealing with the Article. Two magazines will suffice, the other four to be the pages only.... 8 July 1956

He will remember you all in his loving prayers.... May the Almighty bless your efforts, guide every step you take, remove all obstacles from your path, and aid you to win great victories in the service of His glorious Faith, Your true brother, Shoghi 25 March 1956

Agricultural research appropriations have increased by 171 percent since 1953. Farmers are being saved approximately $80 million a year by the repeal in 1956 of Federal taxes on gasoline used in tractors and other machinery. Since 1953, appropriations have been doubled for county agents, home agents and the Extension Service.

He belonged until the financial debacle of 1956 to the class of fairly prosperous people, he was a student in London, he aeroplaned to Italy and then had a pedestrian tour from Genoa to Rome, crossed in the air to Greece and Egypt, and came back over the Balkans and Germany. His family fortunes, which were largely invested in bank shares, coal mines, and house property, were destroyed.

The strong expansion of the economy, coupled with a constant care for efficiency in government operations and an alert guard against waste and duplication, has brought us to a prospective balance between income and expenditure. This is being done while we continue to strengthen our military security. I expect the budget to be in balance during the fiscal year ending June 30, 1956.

30 November 1956 Dear Bahá’í Sister: Your loving letter of October 17th was duly received, and its contents presented to the Beloved Guardian. He has directed me to reply as follows: He feels it is more advisable for ... to remain in Budapest, where the Faith needs every help it can get, rather than go to either Austria or Germany.