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At the same time we have run into new problems which must be overcome. Now let us look at the credit side first. Peace depends upon the free nations sticking together, and making a combined effort to check aggression and prevent war. In this respect, 1951 was a year of great achievement.

Under the inspired guidance of Shoghi Effendi the Bahá’í Cause grew steadily in size and in the establishment of its Administrative Order, so that by 1951 there were eleven functioning National Spiritual Assemblies.

In winding up my briefing, I again stressed the point that, as of the end of 1951 the date of this briefing there was no positive proof that any craft foreign to our knowledge existed. All recommendations for the reorganization of Project Grudge were based solely upon the fact that there were many incredible reports of UFO's from many very reliable people.

The report ended with a comment by the local intelligence officer. He'd called Edwards AFB, the big Air Force test base north of Los Angeles, but they had nothing in the air. The officer concluded that the UFO was no airplane. In 1951 nothing we had would fly higher than the F-86. This was a good report and I decided to dig in. First I had some more questions I wanted to ask the pilots.

And here at home, our defense preparations are far from complete. During 1951 we did not make adequate progress in building up civil defense against atomic attack. This is a major weakness in our plans for peace, since inadequate civilian defense is an open invitation to a surprise attack.

In the summer of 1952 a United States Air Force F-86 jet interceptor shot at a flying saucer. This fact, like so many others that make up the full flying saucer story, has never before been told. There is a fighter base in the United States which I used to visit frequently because, during 1951, 1952, and 1953, it got more than its share of good UFO reports.

In Indochina and Malaya, our aid has helped our allies to hold back the Communist advance, although there are signs of further trouble in that area. In 1951 we strengthened the chances of peace in the Pacific region by the treaties with Japan and the defense arrangements with Australia, New Zealand, and the Philippines. In Europe combined defense has become a reality.

This indifference would not have surprised him; it certainly should not surprise anyone who reads his book. Once freed from the army, I started to write literary criticism, and in 1951 I published a critical biography of Anderson. It came shortly after Lionel Trilling's influential essay attacking Anderson, an attack from which Anderson's reputation would never quite recover.

Recall with feelings of humble thankfulness and intense joy the series of historic landmarks in the progress of the sacred enterprise, associated, first, with the formal entombment, Naw-Rúz 1909, sixty lunar years after the Báb’s martyrdom, of His dust in the vault of the Shrine; second, the laying, forty years later, Naw-Rúz 1949, of the first threshold stones of the Arcade of the Sepulcher; third, the completion, two years later, Naw-Rúz 1951, of the excavation for eight piers, designed to support the Dome, followed by the placing, a year later, on the eve of Naw-Rúz 1952, of the second crown of the same Edifice.

The free nations have created a real fighting force. This force is not yet as strong as it needs to be; but it is already a real obstacle to any attempt by hostile forces to sweep across Europe to the Atlantic. In 1951 we also moved to strengthen the security of Europe by the agreement to bring Greece and Turkey into the North Atlantic Treaty.