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"Those are all great tales," quoth Tom Anderly, when we had marveled over these lucky voyages. "But how about the brig Emeline of New Bedford? She sailed on July 11, 1841 and in twenty-six months she returned home with how much ile d'you suppose?" Ben and I gave it up. Some enormous sum, we supposed, was realized. "Yah!" said Tom. "A fat lot.

This species is too tall-stemmed to be recommended for windows or small greenhouses; but where room can be afforded it, the attractive colour of its stems, together with the size and beauty of its flowers, should win it favour. It blossoms in summer, generally about July, and is a native of Mexico. Introduced in 1841.

In January, 1841, the legislature, now Democratic in both branches, removed the Whig incumbent from the office of secretary of state, and the governor at once appointed Douglas to succeed him.

The first christening in the royal household had been fixed to take place on the 10th of February, the first anniversary of the Queen's wedding-day, which was thus a double gala in 1841. The day before the Prince again had a dangerous accident.

William Parsons, known as Lord Oxmantown until 1841, when, on his father's death, he succeeded to the title of Earl of Rosse, was born at York, June 17, 1800. His public duties began before his education was completed.

Specimen caught in a net, December, 1841. No. 25. SILLAGO. Native name, MURDAR. "Rock whiting" of the settlers. "Rays, D. 10-23; A. 18; P. 13; A. 5." Inhabits rocky shores and deep water. Caught by the seine, 3rd April, 1841. Good eating. No. 11. SILLAGO PUNCTATA, C. et V 3, P. 413. Native name MURDAR. "Common whiting" of the settlers. "Rays, D. 12, 1-26; A. 22; P. 11; V. 5."

Ten thousand Americans along the border, members of "Hunters' Lodges," were anxious for a war which would unleash them for the conquest of Canada. Delay was causing all these disputes to fester, and the public mind of the two countries was infected with hostility. Fortunately in 1841 new administrations came into power in both England and the United States.

The treasurers have been Frederick Cabot, 1828; George W. Lyman, 1831; Nathaniel W. Appleton, 1841; William C. Appleton, 1843; J. Thomas Stevenson, 1847; Israel Whitney, 1848; Charles L. Harding, 1863; David B. Jewett, 1865; Samuel Fay, 1874; George C. Richardson, 1880; Arthur T. Lyman, 1881.

I have the first sketch or draft of a letter, which I wrote to a zealous Catholic layman: it runs as follows, as far as I have preserved it, but I think there were various changes and additions: "September 12, 1841.

Unhappily all that I recollect of the remarkable universe thus produced is that the geese had hoofs, and "clamped about like horses". Such was the awful consequence of creation by a No-God or nothing. In 1841 or 1842 I forget exactly the date I was sent to what is now the Modern School.