United States or Nicaragua ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

The proletariat of the various countries race as it were towards the socialist goal and, as they change in their respective positions, the economic and political fields on which they operate furnish all the surprises and fascinations of a race course. In 1892 Engels wrote that the German Empire would in all probability be the scene of the first great victory of the European proletariat.

The manner of the joke was this: I had written a book on the English Gypsies and their language; but before I announced it, I wrote a letter to Father George, telling him that I proposed to print it, and asking his permission to dedicate it to him.

There are certain sonnets among those he wrote which give a very good notion of his great inventive power and judgment. Some of them have furnished Varchi with the subject of Discourses. It must be remembered, however, that he practised poetry for his amusement, and not as a profession, always depreciating his own talent, and appealing to his ignorance in these matters.

Mademoiselle de l'Enclos, trimming her pen with her trusty knife, wrote to the lady in waiting an agreeable and polished letter, one of those letters, careful without stiffness, that one writes, indulging oneself a little with the intention of getting oneself read. The letter of solicitation seemed so pretty to the lady in waiting that she made the King peruse it.

Father Le Jeune wrote to the Provincial in France on August 28th, 1636: "I consider it very probable that, if we had a good building in Kébec we would get more children through the very same means by which we despaired of getting them. We have always thought that the excessive love the savages bear their children would prevent our obtaining them.

Do you think I cannot estimate the value of evidence? 'But there is no evidence at all, I groaned, sinking into a chair. 'When I wrote to you I was under the influence of a perfectly silly enthusiasm. I had been touched by the story of Cyril Graham's death, fascinated by his romantic theory, enthralled by the wonder and novelty of the whole idea. I see now that the theory is based on a delusion.

He destroyed many sheets of paper, and spent a great deal of time in the attempt, although the letter, as it stood at last, was a very simple affair, scarcely worthy of the pains that had been bestowed upon it. "Dear Miss Murray," he wrote, "when you receive this note I shall have left England, but I cannot go without one word of farewell.

One morning in May, when Arthur came down to breakfast, he found on the table something that was always welcome to him a letter from India. He tore it open eagerly enough, but how little he knew what it contained! It was from his mother, and she wrote to tell her boy that Mr.

Far different was his secret warning to General Clarke, the Minister of War. To him he wrote on June 2nd: "If I can, I will wait for the month of September to deal great blows.

"Who sent it to her?" asked her mother. "Her brother in Cologne. He is doing well at his trade, and so he bought this necklace at a fair and sent it to his sister as a remembrance. He wrote her a letter all about the sights in Cologne, and asked Frau Braun to come and visit him and his wife.