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Ulster Unionism, in the leaders, is not so much a programme of ideas as a demand for domination. In the rank and file it is largely a phenomenon of hysteria. I do not know whether my readers have ever participated in an agreeable game known as odd man out. Each player tosses a penny, and whoever disagrees with the rest, showing a head to their tails or vice versa, captures the pool.

If the candidate had the North in his favour, and one Province of the South, he was considered entitled to take possession of Tara; if he were a Southern, he should be seconded either by Connaught or Ulster, before he could lawfully possess himself of the supreme power. The benediction of the Archbishop of Armagh, seems to have been necessary to confirm the choice of the Provincials.

Given a Parliament in Dublin, the management of education would be so conducted as gradually to extinguish Protestant minorities in the border counties of Ulster and in the other provinces of Ireland. It is here that a chief danger to Protestantism lies. Home Rule will seriously injure Ulster's material prosperity industrial, commercial, agricultural.

The Government stopped short of that supreme folly; but their impotence was the measure of the prevailing sympathy with Ulster. Ibid., p. 209. Ibid., p. 220. Annual Register, 1913, p. 225. Annual Register, 1913, p. 225. Liverpool Daily Post and Mercury, September 22nd, 1913. We have seen in a former chapter how the Ulster Volunteer Force originated.

Nothing, however, did so much to stimulate organisation and concentration of effort as the great Convention held in Belfast on the 19th of June 1892, representing on a democratic basis all the constituencies in Ulster.

The cause of the battle was the pretension of the petty Prince of Ulidia, which comprised little more than the present county of Down, to be recognised as Prince of all Ulster. Now the Hy-Nial family, not only had long given monarchs to all Ireland, but had also the lion's share of their own Province, and King Donald as their head could not permit their ascendency to be disputed.

A governor, deputy-governor and assistants, for the management of City lands in the province of Ulster in Ireland. The other principal courts in the City are, 1. The Court of Aldermen. 2. The Court of Hustings. 3. The Lord Mayor's Court. 4. The Sheriff's Court. 5. The Chamberlain's Court. 6. The Court of the City Orphans. 7. The Court of Conscience. 8. The Courts of Wardmote. And, 9.

It was Bernadine who stood there in the doorway, Bernadine in a long travelling ulster and the air of one newly arrived from a journey. They all three looked at him, but there was not one who spoke. The Baroness, after her one wild cry, was dumb. "I am indeed fortunate," Bernadine said. "You have as yet, I see, scarcely commenced. You probably expected me.

The military events of the year 1647 were much more decisive than its politics. Glamorgan still commanded in Munster, Preston in Leinster, and O'Neil in both Ulster and Connaught.

The man, who was smoking a cigar, with both hands in his ulster pockets, seemed as though he would have passed her, but without turning her head she held out her hand and beckoned him to her side. "I was beginning to wonder whether you were an absentee," Katharine remarked. "I have been making friends with the captain," Jocelyn Thew replied. "Please arrange my chair," she begged.