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I carried the parasol back to the hotel, and I know I hurt her feelings when I maliciously said that it would look well with a deep black border. She almost looked a hole through me. Fine eyes. I don't know what is coming next. She is liable to slip out from under my eye at any time and fly away to meet him somewhere else. I telegraphed this message to Grover & Dickhut: "He has gone.

Those were the days when the pledgling of a good high-pressure frat wrote to his mother the night before he was taken in and telegraphed her when he found himself alive in the morning. There used to be considerable rivalry between the frats at Siwash in the matter of giving a freshman a good, hospitable time.

Ralph Leslie was telegraphed for, and came out from England to Cannes, where he joined them. Then commenced what they called their Via Crucis to Trieste. Lady Burton thus describes her troubles at that time: "On February 23 we were shaken to a jelly by the earthquakes three strong shocks and three weeks of palpitating earth in the Riviera.

He was able to complete the address of the agent of the mysterious marquise, and an inquiry was immediately telegraphed to him. The agent's reply would have been discouraging to any one but Brewster. It stated that the owner had no intention of leasing her forsaken castle for any period whatever.

"Well, I could ha' sworn it was Bert Simmons," said the discomfited Mr. Evans. "Me, too," said his son. "I'd ha' sworn to him anywhere. It's the most extraordinary likeness I've ever seen." He caught his father's eye, and with a jerk of his thumb telegraphed for instructions as to the disposal of Mr. Carter. "He can go," said Mr.

The same day the Secretary of Foreign Affairs, Zimmermann, telegraphed to the German Minister in Mexico, instructing him to form an alliance with Mexico in the event of war between Germany and the United States, and to offer as bribe the States of New Mexico, Arizona, and Texas; he also suggested the possibility of winning Japan from her allegiance to the Entente and persuading her to enter this prospective alliance.

On the 1st of March General Gordon telegraphed: 'I tell you plainly, it is impossible to get Cairo employees out of Khartoum unless the Government helps in the way I told you.

Washington was full of strangers, who filled the streets in holiday-dress, and every house was decorated with flags. The army marched by divisions in close column around the Capitol, down Pennsylvania Avenue, past the President and cabinet, who occupied a large stand prepared for the occasion, directly in front of the White House. I had telegraphed to Lancaster for Mrs.

"The the Barnstable," she said. The place had come to her memory on the train. "It's very nice and and quiet so I've been told. And I've telegraphed for my rooms." "I'll humour you this once," he answered, and gave the order. She got into the carriage.

"The the Barnstable," she said. The place had come to her memory on the train. "It's very nice and and quiet so I've been told. And I've telegraphed for my rooms." "I'll humour you this once," he answered, and gave the order. She got into the carriage.