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As soon as Bunny came running in the yard, Sue called out: "Oh, goodie! Here's my brother. Now he can teeter-tauter up and down. Come on, Bunny, you can have my place!" Sue was so eager to give Bunny her place, and a chance to ride, that she slid off the board suddenly. Then that left too many little ones on the other end, and they went down, all at once, with a bump!

It was one of the first acorns of the season, and Billie and Johnnie each wanted to get it, so, without thinking what they were doing, they jumped off the teeter-tauter plank, when Buddy was high up, and, of course, down he came, with a slam-bang! My! how it did jar him up, and shake him, like pepper in the caster, but that wasn't the worst. No, indeed, and some chocolate cake besides!

Give us all your money, or we'll push you into the brook!" declared the two groundhogs together, and when Brighteyes said she hadn't any change, for there was no pocket in her dress, you see, to carry any money in, what did those bad groundhogs do, but begin to teeter-tauter up and down, with the little guinea pig girl on the middle of the plank.

They played tag, and hide-and-go-seek, as well as teeter-tauter, and bean-bag. Then Mrs. Bruce gave them some cookies and milk, and they had a little play-party. But, when it came time for Bunny and Sue to go home, they thought of Splash again. "I wonder if he'll be there waiting for us," said Sue, as they came within sight of their Grandpa Brown's house. "I hope so," said Bunny.

Harry stooped down and let the kittens jump through his hands, which is an old but none the less a very pretty trick. With the air of a real master, Bert snapped his whip and placed on the table a little piece of board. "Oh, a teeter-tauter!" called Freddie, unable to restrain his joy any longer. "I bet on Snoop. He's the heaviest."