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'Well, the fault is easily remedied. We may raise the price of the mine to one hundred thousand pounds if we can get people to invest. Perhaps the young lady's father might care to go in for it at that figure. 'Oh, by the way, Wentworth, said Kenyon, 'I forgot to tell you, Miss Longworth's father is one of the London Syndicate. 'By Jove! are you sure of that? How do you know?

They conversed as before for a few minutes. The Girondin, it appeared, had arrived some hours previously with a cargo of "1375." It was clear that the members of the syndicate had agreed never to mention the word "gallons."

A second conference between the commission and the Cherokees was begun November 6, but no results have yet been obtained, nor is it believed that a conclusion can be immediately expected. The cattle syndicate now occupying the lands for grazing purposes is clearly one of the agencies responsible for the obstruction of our negotiations with the Cherokees.

After one of these embassies the syndicate held a meeting in Cornish's elegant offices on the ground-floor of the new "Hotel Elkins" building. We sent Giddings away to prepare an optimistic news-story for to-morrow's Herald, and an editorial leader based upon it, both of which had been formulated among us before going into executive session on the state of the nation.

"Eighteen of 'em was professionals, and when de syndicate sold youse de house de professionals moved up to a house on Fourt' Street what de syndicate owns." Abe pulled his hat over his eyes and thrust his hands into his trousers' pockets. "S'enough, lady," he said; "I heard enough already." He turned to Morris. "Yes, Mawruss," he said bitterly. "You're right.

I looked at the little man; the angry red was just fading from the top of his cocoanut-shaped bald head. "You always were a fool, Obermuller," he said cordially. "And you were always over-fond of your low-comedian jokes. If you hadn't been so smart with your tongue, you'd had more friends and not so many enemies in " "In the heavenly Syndicate, eh? Well, I have lived without "

Greenfield, and until to-night I have not been at liberty to contradict it. I can tell you now, however, that the syndicate which is putting up that building is Mr. Jefferson Worth." Greenfield was too well-schooled to give vent to the slightest expression of surprise. His tone was courtesy itself as he replied: "Indeed? Mr. Worth seems to be doing a great deal for Kingston."

Your powers of deductive reasoning more and more are earning my respect. You recall that singular case? The elaborate network extending from London to Buenos Ayres, from Peking to Petrograd? Ah! a wonderful system. It was an opium syndicate, you understand," turning again to the Assistant Commissioner.

Birt rode on rapidly once more, leaving this choice syndicate settling down again to the mud pies. The woods gave way presently and revealed, close to a precipice, Nate's home.

I do not know whether he is aware that I was interested in the promotion of the Umchabeze Gold Dredging Syndicate; if so, his remarks were positively insulting. It seems he lost money over it. So did other people; but I can't help that." He threw his cigar end into the fire with a rather vicious gesture.