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With its boarded streets, excellent water-supply, cold-storage plants, fire-engine department, long-distance telephones, railroad to the Anvil Creek mines, and projected electric-light system, Nome has indeed become a city. As a matter of fact, the social atmosphere of Nome now demands a white collar and a shoe-shine.

She realized that he was slightly more bald. The familiar way in which his hair was parted on the left side agitated her. She looked down at his hands, and the fact that his nails were as ill-treated as ever touched her more than his pleading shoe-shine. "You'd like to motor down to Mount Vernon this afternoon, wouldn't you?" she said. It was the one thing he had planned.

He had made good use of the two half-crowns, for he had not only feasted and was feasting still: on a bag of winkles and a saveloy but was washed and brushed and had gone to the length of a shoe-shine and a collar. "Been waitin' since eleven o'clock, sir," he said, getting up and pulling his forelock as Cleek appeared. "Didn't knock and arsk for no one, though not me.

"Why, nothing has actually happened, only I was at the station this afternoon, and I asked the shoe-shine man about the monkey, and he hasn't heard, but he told the organ-man that the play began at half-past eight, and all the trains have been horribly late to-day, so if he should plan to get in on the eight-fifteen " "Have him telegraph that it begins at six," said Nita, firmly.

The usual crowd of foreigners with their dark eyes and Slavic features, shoe-shine boys, touts and officials waited around the entrance. I put my hand on Mr. Carville's arm. "Our steamer isn't in yet," I said. "Suppose we see them land." He glanced up and nodded, and we paused.

If there's one thing he ought to look to, it's to keep his wimmin out of the game." "It it ain't that, Blutch; but but where's it comin' from?" He struck his thigh a resounding whack. "With seventy-five bucks in my jeans, girl, the world is mine. Why, before I had my babe for my own, many's the time I was down to shoe-shine money.

"I'll tell the porter you go through to Chicago." The car had been fairly well crowded before, and the extra influx taxed every available seat. Betty took out her crocheting and Bob decided that he would go in search of a shoe-shine. "I'll come back and get you and we'll go out on the observation platform," he said contentedly.

"I never seen nothin' more pathetical than that there boy when he was no more than three years old, a-tryin' to feed hisself outer the garbage can, an' her a comin an' a goin' in the alley all these years with her nose in the air, too good to speak to anybody." "Dan don't think his mother's bad to him," said Nance. "He saved up his shoe-shine money an' bought her some perfumery.