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VII, ch. xvii, both by Emile Chenon; Joseph de Maistre, Du pape, 24th ed. , and De l'eglise gallicane, most celebrated treatments of Gallicanism from the standpoint of an Ultramontane and orthodox Roman Catholic; C. A. Sainte-Beuve, Port-Royal, 2d ed., 5 vols. , the best literary account of Jansenism; R. B. C. Graham, A Vanished Arcadia: being some account of the Jesuits in Paraguay, 1607 to 1767 ; Paul de Crousaz-Cretet, L'eglise et l'etat, ou les deux puissances au XVIIIe siecle, 1713-1789 , on the relations of church and state; Leon Mention, Documents relatifs aux rapports du clerge avec la royaute de 1682 a 1789, 2 vols.

He sums up the fourth chapter of his eighth book with the conclusion that "le palais de la royauté ne fut pas enlevé de vive force, mais abandonné par ordre de Louis XVI." And in a note he affirms that the entire number of killed and wounded on the part of the rioters did not exceed one hundred and sixty "en chiffres ronds." Bertrand de Moleville, ch. xxvii. Madame de Campan, ch. xxi.

I will out with it at once. It begins with an R and ends with an e." "Capital!" whispers a young lieutenant of Bordeaux promotion. "He proposes the Republique, without offending the old fogies by saying the word." "Nonsense! He means the Radicale," replies the other, an old captain from Cassel. "Upon my word," says a third as he lifts his glass, "our friend must mean la Royaute."

But royaute oblige! * and he felt it incumbent on him, as a king and an ally, to confer on state affairs with Alexander's envoy. He dismounted, took Balashev's arm, and moving a few steps away from his suite, which waited respectfully, began to pace up and down with him, trying to speak significantly.

C'est a qui jettera plus promptement le masque on dirait, a lire les ecrits qui paraissent, a entendre les conversations des gens qui se croient dans les confidences, que c'en est fait de la republique: la Convention, secondee, poussee meme par le zele et l'energie des bons citoyens a remporte une grande victoire sur les Terroristes, sur les successeurs de Robespierre, il semble qu'elle n'ait plus qu'a proclamer la royaute.

C'est a qui jettera plus promptement le masque on dirait, a lire les ecrits qui paraissent, a entendre les conversations des gens qui se croient dans les confidences, que c'en est fait de la republique: la Convention, secondee, poussee meme par le zele et l'energie des bons citoyens a remporte une grande victoire sur les Terroristes, sur les successeurs de Robespierre, il semble qu'elle n'ait plus qu'a proclamer la royaute.

Council at 2. Talleyrand was presented. He backed to the window and read a speech in which there were several erasures. He declared the determination of France to pursue the course so wisely followed by England of non- interference. He spoke of himself as 'Ministre d'une Royaute votée