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"Good-evening," he added and Mrs. Austen found herself looking at his retreating back which, even in retreat, was a menace. "Merciful fathers!" she exclaimed, and, with that sense of humour which is the saving grace, the dear woman put her hand to her stays. She was feeling for her heart. She had none. Or any appetite, she presently told a servant who came to say that dinner was served.

They were to drive over to Dorchester that night, so presently they started. Two or three old slippers were thrown for good luck. Several of the younger men were quite nonplused at this arrangement, for they had planned some rather rough fun in a serenade, thinking the bridal couple would stay in town.

First came a delicate gray tinge in the leaden sky as the morning seemed to partially awake from its slumber, and gradually a fitful light beamed out of the east, as the stars grew paler and paler. Objects about us became more distinct, until presently the white peaks came into view one after another.

But presently I see the parlour windows get redder and redder, and soon I knew the curtains had caught, and then there was a light in Lilian's bedroom.

The solid graft is shaped, inserted, and afterward hollowed, but of this more presently. Like all other parts of the instrument, the junction or insertion of the neck or graft sometimes gets loose, from bad fitting chiefly, bad glue or prolonged exposure to damp.

Then they both took courage, and the enemy was after that as still as a stone until they were gone over. Christian therefore presently found ground to stand upon, and so it followed that the rest of the river was but shallow; thus they got over. Now upon the bank of the river, on the other side, they saw the two shining men again, who there waited for them.

I thought I discerned in her manner a sort of ill-humour, which I attributed presently, by reason of some observations she uttered at random, to the fact that she had met no brigands upon her route. "Such things only happen to us!" she exclaimed, with a gesture of discouragement.

Then he became silent and attended to the uneven trail. He was aware presently that he had not come into Bland's camp by this route. But that did not matter; any trail leading out beyond the Rim Rock was safe enough. What he wanted was to get far away into some wild retreat where he could hide till he recovered from his wound.

If that's what you think I'm sure I'm willing to wait, only it's to be hoped that that clock upon her mantelpiece moves quicker than its mistress. Presently, when about a minute had gone, he called to the cabman. 'Seen a sign of anything? The cabman shouted back. 'Ne'er a sign, you'll hear a sound of popguns when I do. Those five minutes did seem long ones.

Grandmother Wing came in presently and said that Veronica had slipped out and gone home because she had a sick headache and wanted to be alone. "She has those headaches so often," said Migwan in a tone of concern. "I wonder if I hadn't better go home after her." "She said she wanted to be alone," said Nyoda thoughtfully. "She always does, you know, when she has a headache.