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Lady Cantourne looked up suddenly. "What was a mistake?" "Not asking his opinion first." She turned to the table where his letter lay, and fingered the paper pensively. "I thought, perhaps, that you had found that the other was a mistake the engagement." "No," he answered. Lady Cantourne's face betrayed nothing. There was no sigh, of relief or disappointment. She merely looked at the clock.

When Cal Emmett, probably thinking of Miss Satterly's little book, pensively warbled in his ear: Is your name written there, On the page white and fair? Happy Jack made no reply, though he suddenly felt chilly along the spinal column. It was. "Schoolma'am wants us all to go over to the schoolhouse tonight seven-thirty, sharp to help make medicine over this Santa Claus round-up.

She looked up suddenly, the tiny cup poised in her hand midway to her mouth. "You happy in Tokio?" "Yes." It was not the answer for which she had hoped and her eyes dropped at the curt monosyllable. She put the cup back on the tray and folded her hands in her lap with a faint little sigh of disappointment, her head drooping pensively.

Near the walls he discovered Beppo sitting pensively with his head between his two fists. Beppo had not seen Count Ammiani, but he had seen Barto Rizzo, and pointing to the walls, said that Barto had dropped down there. He had met him hurrying in the Corso Francesco. Barto took him to the house of Sarpo, the bookseller, who possessed a small printing-press.

See how much darker it is down there than it is up here." The shadows were lengthening in the Corral where the supper fires were gleaming. Across the low bluff the imprisoned sun was sending a dull red glow along the waters of the Walnut. "Look at that still place in the river, Victor. The ripples are all on the farther side," Elinor said, looking pensively downstream. "Watch it a minute.

When I awoke my aunt stood in broad though sunless daylight at the bedside, with the waking cup of coffee which it was Sidney's wont to bring. I started from the pillow. "Oh! what who wh' where's Sidney? Why how long has it been raining?" "It began at break of day," she replied, adding pensively, "thank God." "Oh! were we in such bad need of rain?" "They were precisely when it came.

One morning, going earlier than usual to the garden, he found Miss Ford there, the governess of the children. She was promenading one of the wide alleys, and pensively reading a favorite author. This occurred morning after morning, and Lewis thought he would be so glad if she would only spend a few minutes teaching him to read!

'Trust their own wit, you practically said, 'to save all appearances. Well, I've trusted it. I HAVE left them to pull through." He hesitated. "And your point is that they're not doing so?" "I've left them," she went on, "but now I see how and where. I've been leaving them all the while, without knowing it, to HER." "To the Princess?" "And that's what I mean," Mrs. Assingham pensively pursued.

"I I don't drink ginger-pop!" confessed the be-deviled Center of Culture, foggily. "Alas! for the South, her books have grown fewer, She never was much given to literature," quoted The Author, pensively. She was speechless.

There were paintings of flowers by Lovaina, showing not a little talent and much feeling. All these were the pride of her birthright "Murricaine" fashion, as the hostess said pensively.