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But it was plain that the officials took interest in the prison paper as a medium for advertising and gaining credit for the penitentiary; and that when I began to write for it, newspapers all over the country quoted the articles and commented kindly on them.

I will only add that the methods at Elmira have passed far beyond the experimental stage in this matter. The necessary effect of the adoption of the indeterminate sentence for felonies is that every State prison and penitentiary must be a reformatory. If he is incapable of reform, he must stay there for his natural life. He is a free agent.

I have heard remarks already about Miss Marlay that she had refused a very excellent and talented preacher of the Gospill you know who I mean and was about to take up with well, you know how people talk with a man just out of the out of the penitentiary you know. A jail-bird is what they said. You know people will talk. And Miss Marlay is under my care, and I must do my duty as a Chrischen to her.

Passing up the roadway leading to the entrance door, and looking about me upon the rich carpet of green, the flowers and fountains, I came to the conclusion that the penitentiary was not so bad a place as I had imagined. I changed my mind, however, as soon as I had seen inside the walls. The prison enclosure contains about ten acres of ground.

"You could not find one scholar in ten thousand of them. Their education is either very limited, or altogether deficient." "Do the buildings they are confined in cost a great deal?" "Vast sums of money are represented by them; and it often costs a community a great deal of money to send a criminal to the penitentiary.

Tenebræ: Card. Penitentiary recapitulation of the principal ceremonies of the day S. Peter's on holy thursday-evening: washing of the high-altar antiquity and meaning of the stripping and washing of the altars conclusion.

It was a long trial, and not before November 12th did the Recorder sum up, when the jury, after a brief retirement, found the prisoner "Guilty." She was sent to the penitentiary on Blackwell's Island, and popular excitement was allayed, while the spasm of public morality, with a soft sigh, fell asleep.

And yet, according to this Christian religion, God is to have an eternal penitentiary; He is to be an everlasting jailor, an everlasting turnkey, a warden of an infinite dungeon, and He is going to keep prisoners there, not for the purpose of reforming them because they are never going to get any better, only getting worse just for the purpose of punishing them. And what for?

We were all in it, all tied together, because we had broke the law to go raiding in the first place. Technically, the man that emptied that rifle wasn't any more guilty than us poor wretches that stood frozen there while he did it. Put it that we might shave the gallows, even then the penitentiary would bury us. There was only one thing to do. We agreed to stand together, and keep mum."

There is a mystery about pianos, it seems. Sometimes they have to be "sent away." That is how some people speak of the penitentiary. "Sent away" is a euphuism for "sent to prison." But pianos are not sent to prison, and they are not sent to the tuner the tuner is sent to them. Why are pianos "sent away" and where? Sometimes a glorious day shines into the most ordinary and useless life.