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Life is all, as Mantalini said, one 'demd horrid grind. 'Nothing here but working and going to church, said the German emigrants, and they were about right. A French traveller, in the year 1837, says that attending the Thursday-evening lectures and church prayer-meetings was the only recreation of the young people of Boston; and we can remember the time when this really was no exaggeration.

Life is all, as Mantalini said, one 'demd horrid grind. 'Nothing here but working and going to church, said the German emigrants, and they were about right. A French traveler, in the year 1837, says that attending the Thursday-evening lectures and church prayer-meetings was the only recreation of the young people of Boston; and we can remember the time when this really was no exaggeration.

Tenebræ: Card. Penitentiary recapitulation of the principal ceremonies of the day S. Peter's on holy thursday-evening: washing of the high-altar antiquity and meaning of the stripping and washing of the altars conclusion.

She went to the Thursday-evening conference, discussed the revival with Deacon Snow, and locked herself into her room one night to put the lamp on the bureau before the glass and shake her soft hair down about her colorless, inexpectant face, to see if it were not turning gray. She was disappointed to find it as brown and bright as ever.