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Essi debbono sentire che i vostri cuori palpitano, con loro, di speranza e di fede. FERRARA. 11-12 dicembre 1917, IL PRESIDENTE AVOGLI. This morning at 11.30 a.m. the British Gunners will march out from the Palestro Barracks to the Railway Station.

And then I loved the sonorous words of the great captains, the dramatic representations of martial glory. My father was in the third regiment of zouaves, the one which was hewn in pieces at Reichshofen, in the Niedervald, and which in 1859 at Palestro, made that famous charge against the Austrians and hurled them into the great canal.

The King and General Cialdini beat the Austrians at Palestro! 400 Austrians drowned in a canal! Anti-French feeling in Germany! Hooray for the Darby! Oh! Breadstuffs declining. Deacon Rumrill's barn burned down on Saturday night. Mr. Stoker. GIVE is a good word enough for the Lord's Prayer. Call'em. Dr. Pemberton and the venerable Dr. Hurlbut honored the occasion with their presence.

The sea had scarcely closed over the Re d'Italia when another misfortune occurred; the gunboat Palestro took fire. Her captain, Alfredo Cappellini, disembarked the sick and wounded, but remained himself with the rest of the crew, endeavouring to put out the fire. The ship blew up at 2.30 p.m., and over two hundred perished with her.

There is reason to think that after Palestro, Gyulai, having at last realised what Napoleon was about, wished to evacuate Lombardy, but was prevented from doing so by strong protests sent by the Emperor Francis Joseph, who was at Verona.

The campaign proved disastrous to the Austrians, whose half-drilled and badly-fed troops and obsolete artillery were commanded by an utterly incompetent general. They were defeated at Palestro on May 31st; at Magenta on June 4th; and again at Solferino on June 24th.

Some of the small protected corvettes and gunboats were of much less value, the Palestro, for instance, which suffered severely in the fight, having a thin sheet of armor over only two-fifths of her exposed hull.

The crew thought the work had been successfully performed, and that they were getting the fire under control, when there suddenly came a terrible burst of flame attended by a roar that drowned all the din of the battle. It was the death knell of 400 men, for the Palestro had blown up with all on board.

Austria declares War Montebello Garibaldi's Campaign Palestro Magenta The Allies enter Milan Ricasoli saves Italian Unity Accession of Francis II. Solferino The Armistice of Villafranca. Baron von Kellersperg reached Turin on the 23rd of April, bringing with him the Austrian ultimatum: 'Disarmament within three days, or war. Cavour read the document, and then drew his watch out of his pocket.

And for a long time on the anniversary festival of St. Palestro, when the roll was called, they shouted 'Corporal of the first squad, in the first company of the first battalion, Victor Emmanuel, and a rough old sergeant solemnly responded: 'Sent as long into Italy. "That is the way my father talked to us, and by these recitals, a soldier was made of a dreamy child.