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This decision he arrived at while sojourning in the home of a wealthy fruit-grower who was interested in the Nettle River project, and who furnished him a letter of recommendation to Orcutt, who promptly employed him. Thereafter all went well until McNabb's ultimatum brought the Nettle River project to as sudden a termination as the armistice had brought the war.

"I thought Orcutt said you were beginning to slip!" "Well, maybe he's right," admitted McNabb, and the engineer saw that his lips twitched at the corners. "Who was your representative?" he demanded abruptly. "And, how did it come that he arrived just in the nick of time?" "Why, his name is Sven Larsen. He's Murchison's clerk," answered the Scot. "And he was here all the time."

They still have an account at the store; they can't help it, because no other store in Terrace City keeps the stock we do. But Mrs. Orcutt does all her real shoppin' in New York or Chicago." Oskar Hedin loved fur, and the romance of fur.

In earlier days Judge Orcutt would have tried to find, in such a case, some able and scrupulous young lawyer to perform the necessary function, somebody like himself who would have a chivalrous regard for the defenseless condition of the two women. Either that breed of lawyers had run out, or the judge was becoming less confiding.

"McNabb's options hold good until twelve o'clock." "I am anxious to get back," said Orcutt, offering his cigar case, "but I don't want to return without having a look at the mill site. How far is it from here?" "About forty miles. If you leave here right after noon you will make it before noon to-morrow." "I'll do it, and return the following day."

Her mind took charge of her without calling upon her will, as it did so often, and presently she entered the great granite court-house with no clear purpose in her mind, other than a hidden desire, perhaps, to see the probate judge once more. Judge Orcutt was not in the room on the second floor which she remembered.

"I won't see anybody, Caldwell not even Orcutt just now. You understand. I've got to have a little time to do some letters. I won't be disturbed by any one for half an hour." Caldwell nodded. "All right, Mr. Ditmar." Ditmar went into his office, closing the door behind him.

This justification appears feeble, and to be without any corroborative testimony. Another very remarkable witch story has about it a tinge of romance, although the main facts actually occurred as stated. A sailor named Orcutt, left his sweetheart on one of his regular voyages, promising to return at an early date to claim his bride.

"With the Government in Ottawa, and the Company in Winnipeg." "Hell's bells!" cried Orcutt. "That means we'll be gallivanting all over Canada for the next week or ten days. Well, it can't be helped. I know John McNabb well enough not to leave any loop-hole for him to take advantage of." He called to the guides. "Hey, you Injuns! What's the quickest way to the railroad?"

Have their own trucks. Shall we let them use road?" The grin became an audible chuckle. "I don't understand it. Orcutt must have cleared out so quick he don't know the deal is off." Then he called a messenger and sent two telegrams. The first in answer to the one just received. "Double your force and hurry road to completion in shortest possible time.