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It is for no longer than to consider a brief essay on the subject let us call it: "What's Around the Corner." Omne mundus in duas partes divisum est men who wear rubbers and pay poll-taxes, and men who discover new continents.

Cicero tells us that it was generally believed that the dead lived on beneath the earth, and special provision was made for them in every Latin town in the "mundus," a deep trench which was dug before the "pomerium" was traced, and regarded as the particular entrance to the lower world for the dead of the town in question.

"Of course you can't love everyone equally that's the error of democracy democracy is really one of the exclusive forces, because it excludes the heroes it is 'mundus contra Athanasium, it is best illustrated by what the American democrat said to Charles Kingsley, 'My principle is "whenever you see a head above the crowd, hit it." Democracy is, at its worst, the jealousy of the average man for the superior man."

As for the metaphors Shakespeare draws from dress, and the aphorisms he makes on it, his hits at the costume of his age, particularly at the ridiculous size of the ladies' bonnets, and the many descriptions of the mundus muliebris, from the long of Autolycus in the Winter's Tale down to the account of the Duchess of Milan's gown in Much Ado About Nothing, they are far too numerous to quote; though it may be worth while to remind people that the whole of the Philosophy of Clothes is to be found in Lear's scene with Edgar a passage which has the advantage of brevity and style over the grotesque wisdom and somewhat mouthing metaphysics of Sartor Resartus.

It was money he would not accept. "Fiat justitia pereat mundus," said the haggard Hohenzollern. "Your world may perish," replied Jeannin, "but not ours. It is much better put together." This letter was committed to the care of Hohenzollern, who forthwith departed, having received a present of 4000 crowns. His fierce, haggard face thus vanishes for the present from our history.

"Let it alone." But it was not so easy to wrest a victim from the clutches of the professor. "Let us then say no more about it," said he quietly. "But listen, Don Rocco; I am not of your opinion on that point. As for me, pereat mundus." Don Rocco frowned furiously. "I haven't spoken with any one," said he. "Don Rocco, you have gossiped, and I know it," answered the professor.

By such slow degrees, concludes the manuscript, do the most useful, and seemingly the most obvious arts, make their way among mankind. Of all the delicacies in the whole mundus edibilis, I will maintain it to be the most delicate princeps obsoniorum.

The mistake lies in confounding a state which must be based on classes and interests and unequal property, with a church, which is founded on the person, and has no qualification but personal merit. Such a community may exist, as in the case of the Quakers; but in order to exist, it must be comprest and hedged in by another society mundus mundulus in mundo immundo.

Kircher has detailed in his "Mundus Subterraneus" various wonders respecting this lake, most of which are unfounded, such as that it is unfathomable, that it has at the bottom the heat of boiling water, and that floating islands rise from the gulf which emits it.

Bella herself sat near a window, negligently posed, reading the 'Journal of a Summer in the Country, over which she had now hung for three hours in speechless admiration, breakfastless, and with her slipper-ribbons not yet tied. 'I must see what becomes of Wigwag, she replied to Mundus, as he called through the door that he was eating all the eggs.