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"Here, sir, let me sharply-pointed nose; a weak mouth, half-hidden by drooping white moustaches; and a small sharp chin, accentuated by a white beard nattily trimmed to a point. He was dressed entirely in black; a flowing coat of French cut, black small clothes, black stockings and boots that reached to the calves of his little legs.

He was a coal-black poodle, with half of his right ear gone, and absurd little thick moustaches at the end of his nose; he was shaved in the shamlion fashion, which is considered, for some mysterious reason, to improve a poodle, but the barber had left sundry little tufts of hair, which studded his haunches capriciously.

This, however, occurred in an aged Macacus cynomolgus, kept in confinement whose moustaches were "remarkably long and human-like." Altogether this old monkey presented a ludicrous resemblance to one of the reigning monarchs of Europe, after whom he was universally nick-named. In certain races of man the hair on the head hardly ever becomes grey; thus Mr.

A little frightened in that vast, unknown hall, embarrassed by the look of strange things, she drew the black tulle to her chin. "Here! You can not think of it." He said they were alone. "Alone? And the man with terrible moustaches who opened the door?" He smiled: "That is Fusellier, my father's former servant. He and his wife take charge of the house. Do not be afraid. They remain in their box.

For my own part, I was indifferent which it might be, and I looked at the doorway with the contempt and defiance which I longed to put into words. But you can imagine my feelings, my dear friends, when, instead of the tall figure and dark, sneering face of the Capuchin, my eyes fell upon the grey pelisse and huge moustaches of my good little sub-officer, Papilette!

And now that I am conveying you off from that tender little thing that loves, and relies, and hopes, I feel just as if I was the snarling crittur in the picters, with the tight legs, the long nose, and the feather in his cap, the tips of whose moustaches get up nearer to his eyes the wickeder he gets."

The girl threw her arms about his neck and sobbed upon his bosom; the lady of the house burst into tears; "et je vous le jure, le père se mouchait!" quoth the Colonel, twisting his moustaches with a cavalry air, and at the same time blinking the water from his eyes at the mere recollection.

A beard, too, would seem more sailor-like than those moustaches." I was horrified by his words, but, after all, there are no ladies on the high seas, and what did it matter? He rang for the steward. "Gustav," said he, "you will pay every attention to my friend, Monsieur Etienne Gerard, who makes this voyage with us.

Young men who, in times of peace, detested hirsute adornments of the face allowed their beards and moustaches to grow, and after a month or two it was almost impossible to find one burgher who was without a growth of hair on his face. The wearing of a beard was almost equal to a badge of Boer citizenship, and for the time being every Boer was a takhaar in appearance if not in fact.

He drank, and wiped his moustache, which was going to be one of those moustaches that always droop into tea-cups more bother than they're worth, surely, and not fashionable either. "I quite agree, and that's why I was curious to know: is it a solid, well-established concern?" Leonard had no idea. He understood his own corner of the machine, but nothing beyond it.