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They were a magnificent pair, the king especially, who must have been all of six feet three inches in height. His features had the eagle-like quality that is so frequently found in those of the North American Indian. He had been molded and born to rule.

Hovan would never make a Ranger he was too old, too molded by Fleet discipline, and far too clan-oriented but there would be non-human Rangers someday, and eventually a non-human Sovereign. He liked that idea. Intelligence was what counted, and the Traiti certainly had as much of that as any of the Imperial races.

Graceful scroll brackets adorn the stair ends beneath the molded projections of the treads. Altogether this is one of the most notable halls of this type in Philadelphia. The oldest part of Whitby Hall as it now stands was erected in 1754 by James Coultas, wealthy merchant, shipowner, soldier and enthusiastic promoter of many public and philanthropic enterprises.

He was a lightly built boy; a bit tall for his age, perhaps, but perfectly erect; and his every movement was one of indescribable grace, while he managed, somehow, to wear his rough backwoods garments with an air of distinction as remarkable as it was charming. The face was finely molded, almost girlish, with the large gray eyes, and its frame of yellow, golden hair.

Her head rested on one bare white arm and one hand curled under her daintily molded chin. Caroline caught her breath this was a pathetic Phoebe when one thought of the most times Phoebe, cool, self-reliant perforce! "The darling," she whispered to herself as she slipped to her knees by the low bed, "I can't bear to wake her, but I'm afraid not to; it's an hour late already. Dear!"

The fabric molded into a perfect, tight face mask as it touched the skin. Sssuri went to the pile of cylinders. Choosing one he tinkered with its pointed cone, to be rewarded with a thin hiss. "Ahhhh " again his recognition of the rightness of things. "These still contain air."

The result was discoverable, he added, in that silent, yet importunate and terrible influence which for centuries had molded the destinies of his family, and which made him what I now saw him what he was. Such opinions need no comment, and I will make none.

After snatching a hasty lunch, Tom returned to work. Arv Hanson machined several parts and molded the plastic face mask to Tom's specifications. By evening the new device was completed. "Now for a test," the young inventor said to himself. Sandy Swift and Phyl Newton were eager to watch the test, so the next morning they drove to the plant in Phyl's white convertible.

As in the accompanying illustration showing a dormer on the house at Number 6105 Germantown Avenue, Germantown, the casings usually take the form of fluted pilasters, supporting the pediment with its nicely molded cornice, often, as in this instance, with a prominent denticulated molding.

Her crisp round shoulders were bare; her finely molded arms were clouded, as it were, with a pink mist; the skirt was full, incredibly airy; yet every movement was draped by a suave flowing and swaying. Lavinia recognized that she had been immensely enriched in effect; it was not a question of mere beauty beauty here gave way to a more subtle and potent consideration.