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A midiron for his second put him in position for another four, and again brought his score to even threes. When the daring golfer has passed quaking up the narrow way and still survives, he immediately falls a victim to the fourteenth, which is a bend hole, with all the agonies of the preceding thirteenth, augmented by a second shot over a long, mushy pond.

He studied the hundred and fifty yards that were needed to reach the green that was set in the crescent of surrounding trees, changed his brassy for his cleek, and his cleek for his midiron. "I wish you hadn't told me," he said nervously. Pickings on the instant comprehended his blunder.

I wish I could improve that rapidly." Miss Harding smiled but declined to commit herself. Her second shot was a three-quarter midiron to the green and she made it like a veteran. She played the stroke and it is one of the most difficult in perfect form, and I was so astounded that I cut under a short approach shot and had to play the odd.

Well, any more sneers? Anything else to criticize?" "Let it go at that." Booverman, in this heckled mood, turned irritably to his ball, played a long midiron, just cleared the crescent bank of the last swale, and ran up on the green. "Damn that sixth hole!" said Booverman, flinging down his club and glaring at Pickings. "One stroke back, and I could have done it."

"Better blow the fog horn for Henderson," said Ratliff, with a jerk of his thumb. "He's half seas over already and shipping a lot of water." Henderson, the convivial member, was on his third siphon. "I don't care a whoop what McAlpine says," roared an irascible gentleman on the opposite side of the fireplace; "a man ought to use a midiron when he gets that kind of a lie.

How exactly at these moments when she was not out on the links picking them off the turf with a midiron or engaged in one of those other healthful sports which tend to take the mind off its troubles those words summed up her case. Why didn't Geoffrey come? Or at least write? She could not write to him.

My partner didn't want to play at first because of the weather, but I persuaded him to go round, and I beat him by two up and four to play solely by relying on the brassy and midiron. He stuck to the driver, and lost in consequence. I'll just show you how the game went. Suppose the first hole to be just beyond the hall door there, and you drive off from here.

"He's the sweetest boy I know," commented little Mrs. Tanner, whose husband had barked about the midiron. "I've heard he's the only man you ever really loved," murmured Rolfe, close to her ear. "Nonsense! I've known him all my life," she replied, with quick and suspicious resentment. "Trite phrase," scoffed he.

"Oh, I suppose I'll make another three here, too," said Booverman, moodily. "That'll only make it worse." He drove with his midiron high in the air and full on the flag. "I'll play my put carefully for three," he said, nodding his head. Instead, it ran straight and down for two.